The morning the day after she died

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The morning after the day she died I didn't get out of bed or move for that matter. I was in so much shock and pain that it took the life out of me. The world that morning had no more life or color in it anymore, what was the point? She would never come back; all that was in the world was gray and silent. No one said anything; the people that knew her only grieved and wondered how to live their life without her, just like me, and her death was my entire fault. If only I knew she was going to follow me anyway, if only she would have listened to my orders she would still be alive, laughing, smiling that beautiful smile, and have that sparkle in her eyes that I've grown very fond of. As I lay on the bed, I replay her death over and over again, like a broken record. I told her to stay home with her father and live without me if I didn't make it back, but she went anyway. I was getting beaten up and I knew my time was running out, but she saved me. Then all I could do was watch as she fought off the attacker, she thought she had him beaten, but she was wrong. The attacker had a trick up his sleeve that no one saw coming. He fell down, he was beaten, or so we thought. She saved my life, but she couldn't save herself. When we thought she had beaten him, she smiled at me, but that smile didn't last long. All of a sudden the enemy jabbed a knife right into her abdomen, her smile quickly faded when she looked down at the knife plunged into her. She pulled out the knife and stabbed the enemy right in the heart, and then she collapsed. I ran over to her as quick as I could to hold her in my arms. As she laid there in my arms, I stared at her confused. She didn't look in pain, yet she was dying; she looked peaceful. She smiled up at me as I looked confused.

"I knew this was going to happen, I'm ready to die, but please don't forget me. Yeah?" she said in quick breaths. I nodded, as tears fell down my face. How could she leave me? She knew she would die? Why would she still come if she knew? I said to her, "Don't go please. What about your dad, or your friends? What about me?"

At this point I couldn't control my tears any longer, I couldn't live without her. "You can do it, you did it before you met me, and you can do it again. My dad will be fine and so will everyone else, eventually. If I didn't die tonight, you would have died, and I couldn't live without you." She said in a soft voice. She had tears forming in her eyes as she said that. By now her skin was already pale; she didn't have much time left.

"Don't leave me. Please." I pleaded for her to stay, trying to get her to stay longer, even though it wouldn't work.

"Never" she barley whispered as she exhaled her last breath. I couldn't keep in my sobs anymore, the pain was unbearable. It felt like the worst pain you can imagine, but ten times worse; no, a hundred times worse. How could I live without her? She was my best friend. I went home that night after I talked to her dad and the police. I didn't talk to anyone, I just went to my room and stared at the blank wall with no emotion. I will continue my life without her, just as she said. It's the only thing I can do for her now. A selfless hero. A loving friend. A fierce warrior. A loving daughter. Now, an angle. She will never be forgotten.


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