You are my sunshine...

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You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

"Jasper!" I screamed as the witch threw him against the wall. I screamed in horror as one of her guards held me back from running to him.

"You can't do this!" I cried out as I watched Jasper bleed from the multiple wounds he had.

You make me happy

When skies are grey

"Stop hurting him!" I shouted trying to get free of the guards hold.

"You know what we want." He hissed back, holding tighter onto my arms.

I don't! I swear I don't!" I cried still struggling in his grasp.

You'll never know dear

How much I love you

"Just take me! Please!" I cried as my knees started to give in. The witch that was hurting Jasper nodded towards me and the grip around my loosened. I ran as fast as my weak legs could carry me. I slid to a stop as I reached an unconscious Jasper.

So please don't take

My sunshine away

"Jasper" I patted his cheek. "Jasper wake up, please wake up." I moved my hand to feel for a pulse, he had one. "Come one, wake up." I urged as the tears streamed down my face.

"Jasper please." I rested my forehead against his.

"Lana?" Jasper whispered with a hoarse voice.

"Yeah, it's me." I smiled as his eyes opened.

"Hey sunshine." He gave me a weak smile.

"You had me going there for a second." I sighed before I felt a pair of hands around my waist.

"What? No,no,no." I started to panicked. I started to thrash around losing my grip on the guard that held me earlier and stabbed him with my knife I picked up. I turned to the witch but she was already gone. I turned and skidded to a stop by Jasper. I held his head on my lap.

"It's going to be okay." I whispered to him as he shook in my arms.

"I don't want to go." He muttered.

"You're gonna be okay." I reassured as I kissed his temple. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered. "Lana?" he spoke up slightly.


"Can you sing to me?" He asked as his breathing slowed. I choked back tears as I rocked him back and forth.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey." I paused as tears streamed down my face.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you, so please, don't take my sunshine away." By the time I was finished Jasper was gone and I was in hysterics.

"Goodbye sunshine." I cried.

The other night dear,

I sat with Jasper, crying until the police came. They had to pry his cold, lifeless body from my tight hold, as I still sobbed. The ambulance soon came and finally got me up from the old, wooden floor and into the ambulance. They gave me and blanket and everyone told me it was going to be okay, but they were all just false sentences trying to get the pain to lessen. I didn't talk or make a sound unless the police asked questions, but other than that was complete and utter silence.

As I lay sleeping I dreamt

I held you in my arms

I wake up with the sun shining on my face. I feel a heavy embrace around me and look up at the messy chestnut brown hair covering Peters face. I couldn't help but smile at it. He opened his electric blue eyes and stared down at me, a smile forming on his lips also.

"Staring at me again?" he asks, but already knows the answer.

"Shut up" I say looking away pretending to be mad.

"I don't blame you; I would always look at this perfect face if I were you." He smirks. I get up and hit him with a pillow which soon causes me to run around the house and into the yard hitting each other with pillows, laughing and giggling like children. Then the scene changed to a different time. I was being held back again, screaming his name and to take me instead of him. The all too familiar smell of blood filled my nose as I held him in my arms once again, singing to him.

When I awoke dear,

I was mistaken

I awoke with a jolt. I looked around hopping I would find Jasper sleeping soundlessly right next to me, and calm me down and tell me it was just a dream when I would awake him, but I already know that won't happen. I looked at the dark lit bed just to make sure, but it was still empty since that night.

So I hung my head,

And I cried

I burst into sobs once again, like every night when I woke up. It only built higher and higher and came like tsunamis in the ocean. Allison burst into my room and held me in her arms as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"It's okay." She would say.

"No! It's all my fault."

"No, it's not. You know it's not. He wouldn't want this." she would always say. When I finally calmed down I was left alone in an empty room that will no longer occupy Jasper's warmth.

I'll always love and

Make you happy

If you will only say the same

I walked down the street laughing and smiling at the tall, tan, jet black haired man in the beige trench coat I've grown to love; Hayes. As I turn my head I see a grave yard I know all too well. My smile suddenly falters, and my mind is filled with grief. I walk towards the entrance of the dull grave yard, I have grown used to. I slowly come up to the tombstone that says Here lies Jasper Carter Philips: A beloved son, brother, and friend. He will be treasured in our hearts forever. I stand over the tombstone tears forming in my eyes just like they always did when I come here. Hayes hugs me while I start to sob in his shoulder. I could never get over Jasper, He was my best friend. And it's my fault he's dead, even if everyone keeps saying it isn't. Hayes isn't the same as Jasper; when I have nightmares, Hayes comforts me in a different way. It's not as warm and cozy as Jasper comforted me. After a few minutes Hayes speaks up "We better go or we'll be late for dinner."

I wipe my tears on the hem of my jacket sleeve. "Yeah, we should get going."

As Hayes walks off, me trailing behind him, I realized I will never see this dull and sorrow filled graveyard. I never thought this day would come. I stop and turn to look at the tombstone that I have memorized forwards and backwards. I walk up to it a little and stare curiously. There's someone standing right by the tomb. I walk up to it to get a clearer view and standing right by the tomb was none other than Jasper. I shake my head, think my eyes are deceiving me, but they are not. Jasper smiles at me and speaks. "I have missed you Lana. Don't think it's your fault that I'm dead okay? I want to see you happy not filled with remorse. I love you."

I quickly wipe the freshly tears that have fallen down my cheek and smile. "I love you too." He smiled his all too cheeky smile every time I would say I love you to him. And in a flash he was gone, like nothing had happened. Hayes walks up to me again telling me we had to go since we were already late for the dinner. As we walk out of the graveyard I turn around again and look at the grave and instead of grief I smile. I turn back around after a moment and catch up to Hayes as we go to dinner.

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