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"Drink your milk Edward! You'll get better soon if you just drink some!"

"Milk is the devils spawn! I'm not drinking it!"

" This is why you're such a pipsqueak because you don't drink your milk!"

"Who are you calling short?!"

You can hear your friend, Edward, arguing with someone you don't know from the outside of his hospital room.

You and Ed have been friends for 3 years now, you've met his brother Alphonse and some of the people at the Military.

You were told that Ed was hurt in a fight and decided to pay him a visit.

Knock knock

You finally worked up the courage and knocked on the door twice, for it to be opened by a familiar younger brother

" (Y/n)!" said Alphonse letting you in

" Hey Al, how's.......Ed........doing" you said to Al, then looking at the hospital bed. You saw your friend/crush condition.

" Ed!" you said worried and ran over to Ed

" (Y/n)! What are you doing here" said Ed blushing a bit

" I got a call that you were hurt and sent to the hospital and came to see you" you told the Elric. Then you turned and saw a blonde girl holding a cup of milk

" Ed you didn't drink your milk did you" you told Ed as crossed your arms across your chest

"I don't want to drink it and that's final! You can't make me!" said Edward as he frowns and crosses his arms in front of his chest, looking off to the side. You take a deep breath and run a hand through your hair.

" Hi I'm (Y/N) (L/N) I'm a friends of Ed's" you said holding your hand out shaking her hand who introduced her self as Winry Rockbell. 

"You guys are being too loud for the other hospital patients ya know. um... Winry, I'll get Edward to drink his milk alright? You can go back home, I've got this." you said as The blonde girl laughs sheepishly and nods her head, handing you the bottle of milk.

"Sorry for the ruckus (Y/N). Make sure Ed drinks his milk. I'll be back tomorrow to check up on him. Drink your milk Ed! Bye (Y/N)! It was nice meeting you " Winry leaves the room. You walk over to Edward and hold the milk bottle up in front of him.

" Ed" you said simply.

"..." Ed remains silent as he turned his head away from you

" U-um I'm gonna go somewhere be right back," said Al quickly leaving you and Ed alone

' Dam why did I have to tell Al about my crush on Ed,' you thought as you turned your attention back to Ed

" Hmm," you hummed before getting an idea.

You put the glass of milk to your lips and put some of the white liquid into your mouth You set the cup down and then put your hands on Ed's shoulders and make him face you.

" Huh- (Y/N) what are yo-" said Ed put was silence when you put your lips to his.

You then force the liquid into his mouth and make him swallow.

After you part Ed's mouth hangs slightly open with his face as red as a tomato, and you were pretty sure yours was to.

After a moment of silence Ed speaks up

" Hey (Y/N)?" called Ed

" Yes?" you respond

"Can I have some more?" he asked

Edward Elric x readerWhere stories live. Discover now