Coming Home

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This is gonna be short sorry.
Hope you enjoy

Today is the day thay Ed was coming home.
After being gone for so long in Afghanistan you were absolutely excited your husband was coming home.
He called you yesterday telling you he schould be home at around noon and here you are pacing as you bit you nails and made sure you looked nice.

After waiting for what felt like hours you hear the doorbell and you immediately stop in your tracks.
You quickly made your way to the door and when you opened it there you saw the man you love .

"Ed!" You yelled as you ran up to him and threw yourself on him, vausing him to fall back

"Oof!" He geoaned slightly before he wrapped his arms around you and held you tight

" i missed you" he whispered

You opened your moith to say something but then you felt a sudden weight on your back.

" daddy!" Cried your daughter as she squirmed her way in between the two of you.

" Hey theres me princess" ed ctied as he kissed her on the cheeks.

" how long are you staying?" She asked.

" for good. Im never going to leave you two ever again" he said as he pulled the two of you close.

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