Chapter 5: Cheer & BBall

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Damien (new right!)

I'm so happy that I'm going out with Mayla. She's so beautiful and sweet. Well her and the girls had to leave for cheer practice. Me, Chres and the guys had to go too for basketball practice.

I changed into a white beater, black and white Jordan shorts, and my Jordan 13s.

I started walking to the school with Chres, and when I walked in the gym, I saw Mayla on top of a cheer pyramid. She waved at me, and started wobbling on the top, then slipped backwards. The spotters caught her luckily.

I ran over to her to make sure she was ok, which she was.

"Babe be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you..." I said.

"Awwwwwwwwww" all the cheerleaders said.

"Anyways... I will boo, sorry for the scare, now go there goes coach." She said pointing.

Her uncle Chris (Brown) is our coach, and is really protective over Mayla. Plus he knows what happens since all cheer practices happen at the same time as basketball.

I sprinted over to the team and we did warm-ups. We were doing suicides until we all heard a girl yelling and crying.

I ran over there with the team and pushed my way past. Zonnique was on the floor crying while Mayla was yelling at the base girl Daniellea.

"You stupid chicken wing! Why would you drop my sister!?" Mayla screamed in anger.

"I was checking my Instagram... and I didn't hear the drill being called..." She explained

"WHY!? You ain't got no followers anyway! Ugh now we gotta leave early. Girls I'm out, kik me later..." Mayla said moving out of the crowd.

"Mayla wait up..." I said catching up to her.

"What Damien?" She said with teary eyes.

"Babe, she'll be ok..." I said comforting her.

"Ok...well I gotta go. I'll text you when we get home. Ok?" She said wiping her tears as I kissed her forehead.

"Ok. Bye" I said going back to the team.

"Ok since I was here when the accident happened, I gotta fill out the reports, and stop by their parents house, so practice is canceled..." Coach Breezy said.

I left with Chres, and we went home. As soon as I got home I showered and put on some grey sweats and some socks. I walked downstairs while checking my IG, and noticed a picture of Zonnique with a blue cast around her leg and the caption said:

@Maylaaa- @staromg my sissy pooh got hurt thanks to @DaniBoo. Go suck a cactus ^^^.

I commented "lls" and took a picture of me without my shirt on with a sad face and put it on there, and the caption said:

@DaddyDamienBallin- Missing the bae @Maylaaa 😪

I turned my phone off, and went in the kitchen getting the Dominos phone number. I called in and got some pizza delivered.

After my pizza came in I left some for Chres and ate the rest. I went upstairs and fell asleep (5:43 pm).


I was at the hospital with mom, dad and Uncle Breezy. Dad put Deyjah and Messiah in charge of Major and Domani.

Nique ended up with a broken ankle so she can't cheer for 3 weeks.

I feel bad for her because now she has crutches and can't go to P.E.. Now we need another flier for the game on Friday.

I called my cousin Mariah (Breezy's Daughter) to see if she could sub. She said she could.

(Skipping to Friday night)

Me and Damien were on the bus that was taking us to the game. He was in his blue, white, and gold basketball uniform and I was in my cheer leading shirt and mini skirt with my blue and gold Jordan 13s.

We made it to the school and got out the bus. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I kissed him and he kissed back full force. He put his forehead on mine, as he gave me a mini pep talk.

"Do good out there babe. Promise to be careful and I love you 😘" he said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too bae. Do great out there so we can go to playoffs..." I said as I kissed him.

We went our separate ways as I met up with the squad.

A/N: (lol on vine @Chico_Ehh *i think*)

We went out into our designated area of the bleachers in the front row. I saw my babe doing trick shots.

He jumped on the trampoline, did a 360 turn and dunked.

I looked in amazement at the team. They worked so hard for this, if they didn't win, Damien would've been the most upset. The team came and sat by us until the other team arrived. The game was supposed to start at 7:00 and it's already 7:20. If they don't come by 7:30, they automatically forfeit.

I sat next to Damien and played with the short curls in his head. He put his arm around my shoulder and I put my head on his. He kissed my forehead and took a picture of it. He put it on IG saying:

Me and the bae @Maylaaa at our game #Bball&CheerIsLife



The team we were supposed to play never showed up, so we're ahead by a few on the charts.

Me, Mayla, Chres, Bria, Ray, Jacob, Cayla, and Mariah went back to me and Chres' house for a sleepover.

Me and the boys all changed and showered in the basement (SEPARATELY OF COURSE) since there were 4 bathrooms. The girls showered in my moms room, sisters room, my room, and Chres' room.


I got showered and dressed in a camouflage LastKings crop top, black pajama shorts, camo high socks, and a all black beanie.

I walked downstairs and saw Damien sitting on the couch watching finding nemo. I sat beside him criss crossed and he took my beanie.

"Heyyyyy that's mine!" I whined and fake cried.

"Here I'm sorry..." He said putting it on my head kissing my forehead as he did that.

"It's ok babe..." I said smiling.

"Hey do you wanna check on the guys and girls?" He asked smirking.

"Yeah I guess..." I said making an unsure face.

Damien walked over to the closet door and opened it, and all that was in there were 6 nosey people making scared and shocked faces.

Find out what they do next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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