Chapter 3: Boring Ahh Weekend

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Now that Mayla is grounded, our dad said me and her can't go anywhere. Just. Freaking. Terrific. I got up and it was like 11:03 in the morning. I walked downstairs and saw mommy in the dining room drinking some coffee.

"Morning Momma.." I said hugging and kissing her on the cheek.

"Morning are you this morning?" She asked while taking a dip of her coffee.

"Good" I said walking into our kitchen. I started looking for the toaster strudels and they were in the freezer. I took 2 out the box and popped them in the toaster. I grabbed a cup and poured me some apple juice.

A few minutes later my breakfast popped out of the toaster, and I put the icing on them.


I woke up roughly around 11:09 am and walked into my bathroom. I grabbed a face towel and washed my face. I brushed my teeth and walked to my closet and started rambling through it.

I ended up picking out a purple shirt that said "YOLO" with a picture of Drake on it, some black shorts, and my Jordan grapes.

I walked downstairs and saw Nique eating a toaster strudel. I walked into the kitchen and got a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl.

I finished eating and called Bre (nique's friend) to pick me up. She ended up coming around 11:30 and took me to the mall. I had 200 something dollars on me, so all she had to do was drop me off.

I was walking in the mall, and I already had 4 new pairs of J's, some Nikes, a few pairs of jeans, and some shirts. I saw MAC and sprinted in there.

I bought some light pink, hot pink, and dark pink lipstick, some nail polish, mascara, and eye liner.

After I got all of that stuff, I called Bre to pick me up, but she said she was out doing stuff. I called Uncle Breezy but he said he was with Aunt RiRi. I called Chres so I could go to his house and he swooped by in his moms car. He put my bags in the back as I hopped in the front.

He drove me to his house and then we passed it.

"Where are we going?" I asked anxiously

"Out..." He said while grinning.

"Where are you taking me!?" I half-screamed.

"We're going out Mayla! Damn!" He retaliated.

"sorry....." I said looking down.

"Sorry for yelling Mayla...." He said apologizing

"No it's whatever, can you just take me home?" I asked sadly.



When I got home I saw that no one was there but Domani. He told me that Messiah, Nique, Deyjah, Major mom and dad went out to Dream Stage (a graffiti art arena) (not really).

I took all my bags upstairs into my room and hopped on my bed. I decided to text Damien to see if we could hang out.

💋😘Maylaaa😘💋: Heyyy 😘

🏀DaddyDamien🏀: Waddup twinn? 😏

💋😘Maylaaa😘💋: Koolan. I just got home tho...

🏀DaddyDamien🏀: Oh tru. Chres said u and him got inna argument

💋😘Maylaaa😘💋: Yeah, nigga ain't tell me where we was going so I got mad.

🏀DaddyDamien🏀: Oh... Well I gtg. We getting ready to go to Six Flags.

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