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Beep beep beep

My eyelids feel really heavy. But, thankfully I could finally open them.

After my eyes adjust to the light, I look at my surrounding. Everything is white. I could see a machine attached to my body.

Am I in a hospital?

Where is Jungkook?

"J-Jung-k-kook..." wow my throat feels really dry.

Suddenly a nurse came in.

"Oh, Miss you're awake." She poured a glass of water and handed it to me. "Here, you need to drink."

I take the glass of water and drink it, until the very last drop. I didn't know I was that thirsty. How long was I out?

"Now I'm going to do some checkups on you, Okay?" she start to check the machines, and write something on a paper.



"W-what h-hap-pen?"

"Oh." She stop what she's doing, and look straight at me. This makes me nervous. "You were in a car crash, miss. That got you in a coma for three weeks." She looks at me with pity.

"W-what d-date is it?"

"23rd of July" what?! But my date with Jungkook was on 22nd of July. I know it because it says so on the calendar on the carnival. She said I was out for three weeks?!

"A-and J-Jungk-Kook?" I'm afraid of what she's going to say.

"Jeon Jungkook?"


"He- He passed away, last night after going through some operation." Tears blurred my vision. "Your heart was struggling to pump the blood because of the accident. He decided to give you his heart. Before going into the operation room, he tell me to give you this when you woke up." She gives me a note. "I'm so sorry."

I take the note "W-when ex-exactly?" I asked. Keeping my head down.

"At 10.26 PM"

My breath hitch. "Th-thank you." I whisper to her.

She just nod and then leaves.

I didn't have the courage to open his note.

I'm not ready to hear his good byes.

I'm not ready to let him go.

I'm not ready to be left alone.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for leaving like this.

I'm sorry for dragging you to this mess.

You didn't deserve this.

This is all my fault.

You have a heart failure because of me. I would do anything to turn back time. To save you.

When the doctors said that I have that chance, I take it right away. As long as you have your future, your dreams, your life.

I'm so sorry for making you cry when you read this note.

I'm sorry I couldn't write a more heart filling note to you.

And I'm sorry that there's so many 'sorry' in this note.

And I really meant everything I said on our date.

I love you.

Take care of my heart would you. Don't make it useless by killing yourself. Okay.

Yours Always.

Jeon Jungkook."

I remember exactly what happen on that date, like it was just yesterday.

"And I really meant everything I said on our date."

It can't be a dream right?

"You know I can, and would, do anything for you."

"I would even turn back time and do everything all over again. Just so I could do it with you."

"I would do anything to turn back time. To save you."

Maybe.. just maybe..

"I would never forgive myself, if I missed someone as amazing as you."

It wasn't.



The End

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