The Ugly Truth

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Kendall's POV
I didn't know what to do, so I called up Luke, he said he would be there in a minute. As the door opened I saw, someone, not Luke. The stranger had a coat on, he wore a hoodie which covered his face. In less then a minute he kidnapped me. He covered my mouth. Within seconds I blacked out.

Stranger's  POV
I grabbed Kendall and took her to my house. Wow! I wonder what her reaction will be when she gets to know the truth. My plan is working. I smirked in victory.

Kendall's POV
Oh no. I looked around. I saw a chair in front of me. On the chair, it was none other than Josh sitting. I was speechless. So he was the stranger? Would it be to help me? He said," Kendall,Kendall, Kendall. Let me tell you. I never liked you. You are just a worthless piece of trash, and an attention seeking person. Harry didn't kidnap you. Harry was searching for his Stella, and I helped him. I made him find you. He believe you were Stella." Oh my freaking god! So Harry was the innocent one. I would have ripped Josh's head off if it wasn't for the cuffs on my hands. I said to him," Why would you do that?" He said," Because, Harry is my step brother, my dad always loved him. He never gave me any attention. When dad died he gave Harry all his will. Dad never liked me because I was jealous of Harry, my younger brother. So I started giving him medicines which won't  decrease pressure, stress and anger, instead they increase it. If you're thinking how Stella looked like you let me tell you. She is your aunt. But she is only seven years elder than you. Your mom is 20 years elder than her. " I was getting shocked very moment hearing the truth. I told him," But if I had an aunt, my parents would have told me." He laughed and said," Your family was ashamed of her. She wasn't sent to school, so she ended up becoming a bar dancer." Oh my god. Was this true? Is that how me and Stella matched so much? I started crying. He said," And talking about your parents. I killed them. I want to make your and Harry's lives miserable, because he made mine. I can only make his life miserable by making yours. I had also killed Stella. When Stella and Harry met, they were attracted to each other. Soon living together and stuff, made them grow fond of each other. She became pregnant with Harry's child.So I killed her. But when Harry came to know about Stella's death he couldn't function. He didn't know she was pregnant, or that I killed Stella and his kid. He became a maniac and thought Stella was alive so he started to work, he would sometimes try to find her,So I got angry and tried to find a lookalike of hers, and I found you!" That was the end of it. That brat Josh, made my and Harry's lives miserable. He killed my parents, he killed Harry's lover. Poor Harry. Josh said," I am Josh Edward Styles." Oh no! Why couldn't I have recognised, they both had green eyes, brown hair, the only difference was that Harry had curly hair, and Josh had straight. Josh broke my cuffs, I ran out, screaming and crying. My life has no point now. My heart said to me.
Dear Kendall, you need to live for the person who you love.
But there was no one I love.
There is, you love Harry.
With that I didn't even realise, I reached Harry's door.

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