Total Disaster

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Kendall's POV
I woke up to a very unpleasant sight, I saw Harry wasn't next to me. I looked around and went down. I saw him sitting on a chair in the dining room. He had an angry look on his face. I realized that something wasn't going good.

Harry's POV
I remembered the events of last night, now I was damn angry and damn sad. My Stella died, and this girl is pretending to be her. The fake Stella came down and said," Harry are you alright?" I said in a harsh tone to her," You think I will be ok? My Stella died and you are pretending to be her? Get out of my house right now!"she gasped hearing my words, tears started flowing down her cheeks. I felt no sympathy for her. She said," But Harry, you were the one who got me here,why are you letting me go? I love you Harry, I really do." More anger was boiling in me. I said to her," I don't care, just get out and leave me alone." with that I pushed her out of my house. I slammed the door in her face and started crying thinking about Stella.
Kendall's POV
I heard the door slam, I kept on hanging on it, waiting for him to open, finally I gave up. I fell on my knees and started crying. Why couldn't Harry love me when I looked exactly like Stella? Why did everything have to turn around when I started loving Harry? Why does fate seem to be cruel to me? But most of all how did Harry find out that I am not Stella? What if Josh told him that? He wanted to ruin me along with him. After hours of weeping outside his house, I went out and said goodbye to the house that held so many memories. Harry's house. I walked around for a while, until I saw Louis's car stop right in front of me, he gasped seeing me. He came out of his car. He asked me where Harry was and what happened. I told him the story. Tears came out of his eyes. He took me his house, over there I was welcomed by Eleanor and his puppy,Edward.

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