Chapter 5

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When I opened my eyes the next morning, I was stuck. Somehow, Luhan had flipped over in his sleep. His arm was lazily tossed over me, and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. He took a deep breath, huffing, and pulled me a bit closer.

My face reddened. This person…really…I awkwardly picked up his arm and scooted out from his arms. I managed to get up without disturbing him.

He looked like an angel when he slept. In the chilly air, I could see his breath misting. He looked so peaceful, so undisturbed in his sleep. I couldn’t wake him up. I didn’t want to, anyway. Instead I grabbed a twig.

I’ll be at the den, I scribbled in the dust. Once I was finished, I turned and left.

The beast pack had left a clear trail on the ground as well as on every bush and tree. Large claw marks scraped the trunks, and branches of low bushes were torn and broken. I followed the footprints and walked. As I grew farther and farther from Luhan’s nest, I felt less and less safe.

As I approached, I could hear the sounds of playful growls and soft snoring. I could see the den from where I stood. It looked like a giant crack in a wall of rock. All I could see on the inside was pitch black. I took a deep breath. My heart was pounding. Amber, I hope you know what you’re getting me into.

I stepped forward in plain sight.

Everythign went deathly silent. A pair of red, glowing eyes appeared in the darkness of the cave. Slowly, a dark, menacing figure moved forward. On either side of him was Tao on the right and Chanyeol on the left. I assumed that the one in the center, death-staring me, was Kris.

He was tall, easily above six feet. His hair was raven black with scarlet tips, spiking in a rough fohawk. Although he was absolutely fierce and terrifying in his appearance, he was also handsome in a savage way.

Fear shot down my spine. I resisted the urge to steep back. You are Kris? I signed. Dammit, Amber! How am I supposed to say that you sent me if I can’t say anything?!

He let out a growl, stepping fully out into the sun. Tao moved forward, also. His eyes locked with mine. I could tell that he thought I was a complete and total idiot.

I gulped. “Amber sent me,” I mouthed, praying that they would see the words.

Kris curled his lip and snarled, baring his teeth. He was going to attack. He ran at me with murder in his eyes. Afraid for my life, I staggered backwards to avoid him.

There was a blur of movement, and something slammed into Kris. The alpha was thrown several feet away. My eyes widened at the figure in front of me.

Chanyeol’s eyes turned red as he crouched. Kris paused with a puzzled, stoic expression. Chanyeol did not relax and remained in his protective stance. The alpha growled.

“Chanyeol,” Kris said, controlling his voice. His voice was deep and full of power and venom. “Move.”

Even I felt the authority behind his words. Chanyeol wavered; I could see him physically trying to stay strong beneath the alpha’s command. His voice shook, but only barely. “No!”

“Chanyeol, move. Now!” Kris barked. The younger wolf dropped to one knee but did not move. Kris’ eyes flashed. “Chanyeol, your disobedience is a challenge!”

“This is wrong, alpha!” Chanyeol shouted, clenching his fist. He was trembling from resisting the alpha’s force. “She doesn’t deserve to die! She hasn’t done anything wrong!”

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