Chapter 10

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Kris was back by the time I woke up. He completely ignored Luhan and barely acknowledged me. Chanyeol was still snoring quietly in my ear, but I wanted to get up. I didn't know what to do.

Seeing my conflicted expression, Luhan chuckled and stretched. Chanyeol snorted as Luhan gently kicked his head. "Yah! Wake up. Luna's stuck under your arm."

Chanyeol just grumbled and went back to sleep.

Kris' deep voice came from the entrance. "Chanyeol, get up."

Immediately, Chanyeol bounced to his feet. "I'm up." His face fell when he looked outside. "Aw, it's raining."

"Yes. The others have elected to stay inside until it lets up," Tao said. "It will be boring."

"Hey, Luna," Baekhyun called. "Can you teach us that thing you do with your hands? That...sign language?"

I nodded, pleased that they were eager to learn something that pretty muched defined me. The others turned as I made beginner signs like hello, goodbye, and how are you? Chanyeol picked it up quickly and signed a quick hi to Kris, who rolled his eyes.

We were inside for a long time. Luhan helped me explain when some of the pack members got confused. After a long time, most of the pack knew plenty of signs. It was amusing to see them have little conversations with each other. When they thought they were skilled enough, they'd come 'talk' to me.

After a while, Chanyeol's stomach growled. "Is anyone else hungry?" He asked.

"Me!" A chorus of wolves called.

"Who wants to hunt with me? We don't need everyone," Kris explained. As usual, Tao and Suho volunteered. Chanyeol was dragged along with Kai.

"This is enough," Kris said. "Let's go. The rest of you stay dry." They turned out and dashed into teh rain.

Baekhyun sighed and said, "And now we wait."

"Let's play a game," Chen said with a grin.

Luhan growled. "No roughhousing."

"Why would I even imagine that?" Chen said innocently. He winked at me.

"What about a composure contest? Whoever laughs first or smiles showing teeth loses," Xiumin suggested.

"No! Sehun would definitely win," D.O. whined. I glanced at the youngest wolf who already wore a serious expression.

I bet I could make him laugh, I thought. I signed, Let's play that game. I'm ready.


Chen tried first. "Yah, Baekhyun? Remember what made Lay fall over?" In response, Baekhyun's eyes glittered. I tilted my head, curious. Lay stiffened.

Chen quickly turned and blew on the back of Lay's neck. Lay's shoulders scrunched, and he clenched his eyes closed. "NO!" He cried out. "Someone save me!" He flopped over, helpless.

Xiumin and D.O. burst out laughing, unable to control themselves. Chen and Baekhyun shared toothless smiles and let Lay up. I glanced at Sehun. Not even a twitch.

THere were only five of us left. Chen turned his mischievous gaze on me. Any trace of a smile dropped from my face. Uh oh. He scooted closer with a wicked--but still tight-lipped--smile.

"Luna," he purred. I couldn't scoot back any farther. He leaned forward, and I leaned back. "Luuuuuna. Kiss me."

D.O. and Xiumin snickered. I saw Baekhyun struggle to hide a grin as my face turned pink. Chen kept leaning in. "Luuuuuuuuuunaaaaaaaaa. Kiss me."

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