chapter 2

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"Zayn! Zayn! Wake up! There's someone who wants to speak to you over the phone" shouted Harry in a delighted voice.

I couldn't believe it at first , but then I thought as to why Harry would want to fool me in such a situation.
I stood up and ran madly at the old phone Boothe that hardly received any calls , standing there for name sake. I took hold of the phone to drive it to my ears. I stammered , "h-h-hello"

In return , I could hear a soft and familiar voice. It's Perrie.

"Hello , Zayn ,Z-Zayn , is it you . where are you now ? Aren't you ever returning" she stammered revealing a soft weeping tone.

Well it's nothing impressive, for I started to pour a long time ago. Her voice was the weapon however.
"Perrie , how are you dear? All I want is to be with you'll but-but I'm clueless. How can I get there. Hows everyone? Where's mom?---" I was forced to stop , when the phone went. keeeek.

I looked at the phone and spoke up again. This time, I was far beyond crying. Hello! Hello!HELLO! I shouted. I knew that the connection wasn't available. I ridculoulsy went all around the boothe. I shouted and cried like a mad man. Harry and Louis stepped into the boothe. I went scolding them. But they kept silent , they knew in what situation I was currently dwelling on. I finally kept silent while hugging Harry firmly. He kept saying , "calm down , calm down" patting my back.

I murmured words into his shoulder.
Harry took me outside and advised in a much dignified manner ," Zayn we are soldiers , this is common to us, now come let me get you something to eat , don't behave like a mad dog Zayn!"

I shot a glance upon him , analysing if he really meant his words. Im in no access with my family , who apparantly would be facing the same situatuon as I am and oh what does he say about my fiancè. The sweetest lady I've ever met. My going to be , wife. She had the loveliest eyes and the most attractive face ,  with a her sweet voice and perfect love towards me , it made me impossible of just liking her. She is my love to death   and   i've   lost   her....

And with all these problems , Im supposed to shut the hell up and behave strong. What the actual hell , fine , we're soldiers , but does that mean that we change our human form and then enrole into the f****** job? No , we still remain with the same feelings , the same state , the same behaviours.

All that i find as a difference when being inserted into the soldier suit is the loss and sadness that shoots upon every single , the problems that one faces witg regard to his friends , families and loved ones. And if he happens to win the war , he'll probably just lift the happiness of the victory , but lying below are the invisivle problems.


Too short huh? I know know , but dont worry , from chapter four onwards , words would increase..

And itd be very intriguin


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