chapter 3

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"No Harry ,no , I'm no animal , I'm a human being , I do have feelings." I cried out.

"Listen Zayn, I do understand your situation. I've lost my wife. I just married her a few months ago, but am I crying? We are soldiers Zayn , we have to face the bad side of the world." He explained , patting my hair. But no. I completely disagree to his point of view as being explained earlier.

I pushed him to a side and ran away. I could see my best friend , Louis signalling Harry to let me go. He knew exactly what i needed. Louis knew all about me  , standing as my best friend at all times , forever. I ran  towards my tent to pack my bag. Yeah , I'm going out of the barracks , out of this forest and out of Chrisnburg.

I'm not participating in the revenge battle. I'll depart in the Jeep that takes away the completely ill soldiers to a rest house , situated far away from Chrisnburg. But for this I'll have to injur myself in such away that makes the cheif to send me away.

What shall I do ? I forcedly push my face into my palms. This time I was sitting cross legged on the leather clothe in the tent , dropping my head behind.

Okay , I'll pretend to be a person whos mentally ill. Then I shall speak to Louis to pasify his farther , the cheif. Why would Louis not do what I desire? But the single problem is that I have to leave my closest friends , who lived my whole life. That was a pain in the heart.

But no! that's the best option. I shall leave Chrisnburg tomorrow , in the morning. But before that , I have to act ridiculously.
I wiped my face on my side collar and stood up. It's as if my veins Stretched out as I stood.
God knows of the pain that I went  through. I stepped out and walked towards my four closest friends , Harry , Louis , Niall and Liam.
Harry pointed at me as if I was a foreigner and the the others happened to turn towards my direction. I had a smile on my face , which as to my concern , was the reason for them to act awkwardly.

I raced to the group and patted the shoulder of Liam.

"You guys had your meals ?" I asked delightedly.

"Zayn , you okay right , I mean , with your family?"harry questioned in a wierd tone.

"Yeah , waliyah spoke to me a few minutes ago in the tent. She held my hands and said that she was in Britain." I said. Obviously one would either think that I was mentally affected or that I was a terrible liar. Who would ever believe it , if I said that my sister came to me when shes actually crying her heads off in amsterdam?

"Zayn , you joking , right?It's weird , you're not supposed to be reacting like this" Louis's exression symbolized confusion.

I replied , "what's wrong with you'll? Your expressions are as if I've hung a living man. I'm not lying , God promise!" This time I crossed my fingers as I swore , to break the false promise.

"Listen , Zayn, we know that you've dreamt this all. Well it's fair on your side , I mean with your family , but don't go saying this to the others in the camp , or they'll probably think that you're , you're" Liam advised as expected . An invisible smile was displayed on my face. My plan was working , well after all.

"C" Mon! , can't you'll beleive in what I speak ? Is it you'll whom i actually decided to be friends with? Sorry I'm leaving , Perrie awaits my arrival " I spat the words with a side smile as I turned away to walk into the tent.



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