chapter 21 edited

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hi guys as i was saying finals are right around the corner. so updates will be slow

What to buy him what to buy him was all I could ask me self as we were walking around the mall. Suddenly I got a great idea. "Baby why don't you go find us a table in the food court and I will run to the bathroom" I asked "yeah sure" he replied and he walked off

I walked into the pet store that was there and Asked for. A boy and girl pug. "Hi do you have any girl pugs and boy pugs" I asked the assistant "yes we do right this way" he led me to a cage with pet dogs. "Which  one would you like miss" he asked "can I have those two baby pugs please" I answered.

"That would be  180 dollars please" he said " here is your money and thank you for your services and I will come pick them up tomorrow morning" I answered.

"hey what took you so long" Cole asked "o you know long line" I said "ok where do you want to eat?" He continued "o anywhere is good" I answered " ok".
We soon left the mall and went home. "Don't come into my room until I come put please" I shouted as I ran. To my room to rap the presents.

It took me three hours. My hands are killing me, my feet have pins and needles, my arms are about to fall of. Ima ready for bed. I went downstairs and said good night to everyone and went to bed

I woke up at 12 when everyone was sleeping and put their presents under the tree. Then I had leftovers and went back to bed.

"BANG BANG BANG BANG" is all I heard for five minutes. I got up and got ready. I went for a shower washed my hair. Got out dried it curled it and put on new pjs and a dressing gown and threw my hair up in a messy bun.

I walked downstairs and sat on the floor. Cole came in and soon everyone was sitting on the floor ready to open their gifts. It took us all afternoon. But I got a pug from Cole, a new phone cover of Adam, clothes of the girls and an iPad of Mark and new iPod to listen to music with when I go for a run off walk.

The rest of the day was spent clue rating and as were parting i thought to myself, this is the way I want my life.


Than you for ready love you guys bye

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