Chapter 7 (edited)

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HI idk y I wrote this A/N but any who enjoy

First day of school

My alarm went off and I turned around and slapped my hand in the snooze button got up and got in the shower. I washed my self with my signature fruity body wash. When I got out. I went to wake up Lisa and Portia. They went for thief showers. When they finished we picked out our outfits.

For Portia she picked low cut white converse with short shorts Mickey mouse tank top with a summer hat. (Pic above) for her hair we did a French plait across the top of her head and left the rest wavy for her bag she used a pale pink and white stripped Michael kors hand handbag and a necklace

For Lisa she picked light blue jeans with a ripped effect with uggs a grey scarf white tank top with a grey jumper with the words New York printed in black. ( pic above) for her hair we did the same as Portias hairstyle but with flowers in it. And for a bag she had a navy blue and white stripped Michael kors handbag

And for me I picked a dress that stops between my thighs and knees with a floral effect with a blue shirt tied just below my chest with a necklace with feathers earrings and coral coloured wedges and for my bag I have a black and white stripped Michael kors handbag. (Pic above ) for my hair it's in a messy/ neat bun with my fringe loose and a French plait across my head too.

We walked downstairs and every body stops. Did I mention that everybody left yesterday except Cole and my gang. Any way, as we walked in everybody went quite and Mike came and gave me a big hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Hey cole""mmm""do i look ok" he looked up from buttering his toast. He looked right at me and he dropped his knife. " yy yeah yyou Look fine"" thanks". I chuckled to myself. Adam walked be hind him and clapped his back and said " she's here like two days. Your not together and she's still got you whipped" everybody burst out laughing .

"Right I'm taking my car""who's car, you don't have a car here""yea I had it shipped here ""oh.. Ok what type do you have""don't you mean types""what""I have more then one car""oh... What types do you have then""I have a Lamborghini. A bmw. A Audi and a convertible""oh ok""what one will we take today girls""I'm taking the Audi""I'm taking the convertible""then I'll take the Lamborghini" I said.

We followed Adam and Cole to the school. We parked right be side each other. But what made everyone stop and stare was when I revved my engine coming in the gates. Adam and Cole got there five minutes earlier because i needed to get my morning Starbucks. We met at the front doors of the school." Ready to make an entrance baby sis" Adam asked as he and Cole wrapped their arms acorn my neck and Lisa and Portia stood on each side of Jake while Jake wound his arms around the girls.

When walked through the door everybody stopped even the janitors and the teachers stopped and had their jaws hanging open. The boys winked. The girls whispered and glared. And if you look down the hallway you see the unearthly three. Nicole. Rachel. Sasha they are the VERY BLONDE ones who act smart but we all know they are stupid and make no sense what so ever.

They walked to us and the unearthly three had their flirtation faces on. That was until she saw me. Then the look on her face changed to a scowl. She still walked up to us and stopped in front of Adam and said " who do you think you are cheating on me"" wooa who said I was cheating on you"" that brat that's hanging off your arm shows enough proof to say you were"" trust me I think Cole would chop off my manhood and stick it to my forehead if I did and I wouldn't because she's my sister" the looking her face changed to a devious one. "So your back in town Allison""yup. I'm back looking better then you" I smiled. She gave her best death glare but to me she looked like she was constipated. And I asked her in a sweet voice " sweetly do you need to go to the bathroom because I'm sure there's one down the hallway" I said and every one laughed. Then Adam spoke in his version of a girly voice "oh... and btw we are like so though" And we walked away laughing our asses off.

We went to the office to get our schedules. When we walked in the principle was in the office and he asked " oh my is that you Allison"" it's me sir"" well it's good to have you back and thanks for showing Nicole who was boss this morning"" thanks sir and your welcome" I said with a smile. You see mr. Davidson hates the unearthly three as well as the others mostly because he was her uncle.

When we finally got our books and schedules we went to our lockers which happen to be right next to each other. Mine was in between Adam and Cole. Portias was next to Adams and Lisa's was nest to Coles and jakes was next to Lisa's.

We swapped schedules and we all had the same classes perks of being rich you can get anything you want with money. We walked to Home room and waited for the teacher. Ten minutes later a young male teacher walks in me rights his name on the board. Mr. Jackson

"Good morning lass as you can read my name is mr. Jackson now since its the first day lets introduce each other let's see. Oh... Wait we have four new students today. Can you guys come up here nd introduce your selves please" we walked up and I went first " hi my names Allison and I'm sporty"" hi my names Jake and I play football""hi my names Lisa and I do not take bullshit from anybody""hi my names Portia and I will kick any ones ass if they mess with us"

That left the whole classroom quite. We walked back to our chairs which were at the back. This day I going to be long. Very long.

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