School and siblings?

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  Beep Beep Beep
Your alarm said. "Just five more minutes.." you said. You slowly opened your eyes and you stood up. 'I hate Mondays...' you taught. You went to the bathroom. You heared a knock on the door. "(Y/N)! I have to go!" Dimitri said. "Just a minute:" you said. "(Y/N)!!!! I really have to go!!!" he yelled. "Fine!" you said and you wlked to the door. You opened it and Dimitri ran in. You laughed and you went back to your room. You went to your closet and you get up a (f/c) T-shirt and (s/f/c) shorts. You yawned a big and you walked out of the room. You went down and you saw th girls sitting at the table. Chiki was wearing a yellow T-shirt with pink shorts. The boys will take a look at her. Luna was wearing a brown T-shirt with a green hoodie and black shorts. Without the bear ears and the tophat. It was a bit strange. "Morning" you said. "Good morning (Y/N)!" they said. "Where are the boys?" you asked. "They are still getting ready." Chiki said. "And they say that we need more time." Luna said. "Are you excited too?" Chiki asked and she started jumping. You and Luna satarted to laugh. "Where are they?" you asked. "Morning girls!" a male voice said. You turned and saw the boys standing there. Fred was wearing a white T-shirt with a light brown vest with a black jeans. No hat. No ears. He was really cute. Bonbon was wearing a black T-shirt with a blue hoodie with black jeans. No blue bunny ears. Mangelo was wearing a light brown T-shirt with a black and red hoodie with black jeans. The girls will love him. "Morning ladies." Fred said and he kissed your cheek. "Awwwww...You two are so cute." Chiki said and she smiled. You blushed. "Are you ready?" you asked. They all nodded. "Then lets go!" you said.

Time skip

You were standing at your locker. Your locked was beetween Chiki's and Luna's. The boys were on the other side. (Hello from the other side.... sorry) "Luckiley we have the same classes." you said. "Yay! We are going to have lessons with (Y/N)-chan!" Chiki said. You looked at her. "She watched a lot of anime." Luna said. "Let's go!" you said. The boys came, too. "What is th-"Mangelo suddenly stopped. He, Fred, Chiki, Luna and Bonbon froze. You looked at them with a confused look. They were looking at some other students. You looked at them. One of them looked like Mangelo. He had red hair, a red hoodie with a black T-shirt and black jeans. A girl looked like Chiki. She had blonde hair, a yellow tank with yellow shorts. One boy looked like Bonbon he had purpule hair, a white T-shirt with a purpule hoodie and black jeans. There were two boys who looked like Fred and Luna. One of them had brown hair, a white T-shirt with a dark brown vest and dark brown jeans. The other had gold blonde hair, a gold-yellow hoodie and black jeans. "L-luna, F-fred?" the brown haired male asked. "B-bon-bon?" the purpule haired asked. "S-sis?" the girl asked. "B-rother?" the red haired asked. "Freddy! Goldie!" Luna and Fred shouted. There were tears in their eyes. They ran to them and hugged them. "We missed you guys so much!" Freddy said. "Don't ever do that again to us." Goldie said. "Chica!" Chiki shouted and she hugged the girl, Chica. "I missed you sis very much!" she said with tears in her eyes. "Bonnie!" Bonbon shouted and he hugged the purpule one. "Boy where were you?!" he asked the blue one. "Foxy!" Mangelo shouted and he hugged the red one. "Missed ya brother!" he said. You looked at them and smiled. A minute later they finished hugging. "Who is this beautiful lass?" Foxy asked. "This is (Y/N), she is my girlfriend." Fred said and he blushed. You blushed, too. "It's nice to meet you, miss (Y/N).I am Freddy Luna's, Freddy's and Goldie's brother." Freddy said and he kissed your hand. "Nice to meet you. I am Chica. I am Chiki's sister." Chica said. "I am Goldie. Luna's, Fred's and Freddy's brother. It's a pleasure to meet you." Goldie said and he shocked your hand. "I am Foxy. Mangelo's big brother. Nice to meet ya lass." Foxy said. "I am Bonnie. Bonbon's brother. Nice to meet you." Bonnie said. "It's nice to meet you all!" you said with a smiled. They smiled back. They looked friendly. "We have to go to class." you said and you all went to class.


You and the girls were at the locker. "It's so good to see them again." Chiki said. "Yes. It's been so long(since I have seen my son, lost to these monsters....)." Luna said. "They are really friendly." you said. You suddenly heared a wisthle. You turned and you saw three boys. "Hi there beautiful ladies.~" one of them said. Luna glared at them. "Three princess and three knights~" another said. "Why are these hot chicks alone?~" the third said. "Go away." you said. "How about-" "How about you leave us now and nobody gets hurt?" Luna cut them off still glareing at them. "Oh a firesty one.~ I like it.~" one of them said. One of them walked to Chiki. He started to play with her hair. I glared at him. Suddenly Luna threw him on the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked from Chiki: "Yes." she said. Luna turned to the other boys with an evil smile. "3....2....1" she counted down. The boys suddenly ran away. You three laughed at the screaming boys. "Are you okay?" Fred asked. "Yeah." you said. You saw the other boys glareing at the three boy. You laughed. "Let's go home."

You walked a little before going home. They tell them the whole story. Everything. After the walk you went home. You all sleept in very fast. It wasn't a bad day after all. You loved your new friends and your boyfriend. You closed your eyes and you sleept in.

(Sorry for not writing I just had to study a lot. Hope you like it. I will do a Valentine's day special. I have seen Deadpool yesterday! A very cool and funny movie with action and love. Anyways 39 likes! I am so happy! I know it's not the best chapter but I hope it's good. Stay cool guys!)  

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