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(Another look at religion of a sort with GraveRobber and Cemetery Baby)

[opening Mercy Chant]:
Mercy, mercy, gods above
Stop the rain and stop the pain, for this land shall be yours again. This land shall be yours again, only if you stop the fire rain.
There they go again praying to the gods they created, worshiping the shrines they painted, whenever somebody tries to object this new found religion, double-vision, they fainted. Man, you know you done fucked up when you drunk up from the goblet full of sheeps blood. Now you're crawling, helpless through the mud.

Now you know you're steady worshiping what you think are gods, what are the odds that these be demons, looking for man's soul. Nobody is to stop the demons from acheiveing they goal, all of have tried have been mowed over, by the sheer power that comes from the souls they've devoured already.

Demons are everywhere on the street, only when the darkness leaves is when we're free to meet, by the light of day, we shall give them what they deserve, they pay for their kindness.

Don't mind us, go about yo buissness, many thanks to ya's. Leave us to our buissness in the light of day, flee back to your homes unless you finna receive pay too.

Never let me go, this place has no mercy to show. So while we are here in the darkness, lets ask him our souls to bless.

[End Mercy Chant]:
Mercy, mercy, gods above
Stop the rain and stop the pain, for this land shall be yours again. This land shall be yours again, only if you stop the fire rain. Ending the rain will stop our pain, but you wanna see us suffer, and kill one another. Please gods, show us mercy.

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