Fuck and Kill You:

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If you think that I'm merciful you've got another thing comin'. Cuz when you die, I'll be hummin' a song to the tune of the gun shots you took to your skull. Hahaha! Hohoho! I'm gonna put on a jolly old show! And you're gonna be the puppet, so fuck it, you're gonna be stuck in this fucked up tale about a stupid bitch and a fucked up serial killer. A sorta thriller, but this tale ain't too unfamiliar, cuz you know that every gory horror story revolves around one thing, sex.
I'll mix it up like Tex-Mex by rippin' ya head off like a rip-off song that goes "ooooooh I'm gonna fuck and kill you. Ooooooh I think I'll shoot you."
And when I do, I won't front with ya, I'm gonna fuck with ya! When I'm done, I'll run my fingers through the hairs on top of your head, cut your fuckin' head off and leave it with me in my bed, to play with and mess with, and every once in a while, wish you weren't dead. I coulda kept you alive, but in the end, that would have killed me, friend.

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