Chapter 4

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I stayed in the library durning dinner because I wasn't very hungry. I wasn't doing much of anything lately. Most people that got hit with storm rock got gifts and powers. I got a curse. I picked up a book and flipped to a random page and started reading. But nothing was distracting me. I couldn't stop thinking about the girl I ran into earlier, and not just because she was hot. I hadn't burned her when she ran into me! Look, it's not my fault ok? I can't control it. My power is fire, and when I get really mad or annoyed or upset I burn things or set them on fire. I'v been here longer then most of the kids and I know that something isn't right with this place. I used to have a friend here named James, his power was like tornados or something. He couldn't control his powers, and one day he just disappeared. Mrs Mercer

Is really strict and doesn't let anyone out of their rooms after 8:00 unless its to go to the bathroom. She also doesn't let them go outside the school with out her. And she hates kids who can't control their powers. (Namely me.) I opened another book and tried to distract myself again.

I was in the library by myself. It's huge, probably the biggest room in the school, any book you want you will find it in here. When I heard the door open I was surprised. Everyone should be eating dinner right now. I moved the books aside and looked through the book shelf. It was the same girl I had run into earlier. I saw her walk over to the fantasy section.

Her hair was light brown with gold streaks and looked silky. She had big brown eyes. I was so focused on her I set the book shelf on fire. I jumped back. She saw and came rushing forward. "What are you doing? Get back!" I yelled. She ignored me and put her hands in front of her. In a few seconds the fire was out. She had sprayed it with water. Then she turned and sprayed me with water so hard I fell into the book shelf behind me. "What's your problem!?!" I yelled. "My problem?!?" She looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm not the one setting things on fire!"

"Not all of us can control our powers perfectly." I glared at her.

"Ya I can see that." She said glaring back. But I could see something else flicker across her eyes. I can't believe I hadn't burned something else yet. Her soaking me must have helped. She stomped away bumping into me as she passed. I felt a something go through my body were she had hit me. Just like I did this morning. I walked out of the library to go change into dry clothes.

On my way back to my room I passed Chase. "Dude what happened to you?" He said laughing. "New girl happened." I said. He laughed even more.

"Let me guess, Hazel?"


"Ya she has brown hair, her power is water. " That did sound like her.

"Have you met Lois yet?" He asked. I shook my head. "You should. She's Hazels best friend."

"Cool. See ya later."

"See ya."

My room was red and super hot inside. I had one wall that was like a giant rectangle lava lamp. I punched it once when i was mad and the stuff in side leaked everywhere. The next day it was fixed though. The rooms in this house were really messed up. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it up and saw Dawn. "Hey West!" She said twirling her black curly hair. She had super green eyes and a perfect smile. She also had a huge thing for me. (Like most girls.) "Dawn it's almost curfew." I said a little annoyed

"Since when did that stop you?" She asked smirking. "Tomorrow all the new kids will be talking up the training rooms, so why don't we go for a picnic tomorrow in the forest? Just the two of us!" She said giving me one of her million dollar smiles that were starting to get on my nerve. "Maybe." I said.

"C'mon West! What else have you got to do!" It took all my strength not to close the door on her. "Fine." I said at last. Se squealed, hugged me, and (Finally!) left. Suddenly I had a really bad feeling, like somebody was watching me. But I ignored it and went to bed.

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