Injured- 10

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Belle didn't know exactly what was going on. Time did not exist and everything was fuzzy in her mind. She felt like she was drifting in between reality and her dreams. She couldn't differentiate which ones were which. At one point, she woke up with a start, gasping. She'd seen red eyes, blood, and darkness. The teeth of monsters and growling in her ears. She was on her stomach in a soft bed. Her head pounded, her throat felt sore and scratchy, and she was drenched in a cold sweat, shivering. She lifted up on her elbows, crying out in pain, her back felt like it was ripping open. A warm, furry paw stopped her from rising all the way, but Belle had pushed herself too far and her body fell back into the mattress, the pain knocking her out again.

Belle felt dazed. She woke multiple times, only to see random things- Colette watching her worriedly, Jermaine putting cold rags on her neck and forehead, Sal spoon feeding her a strange soup mixture, Luvert bringing glasses of water and food, and sometimes, even though she wasn't sure if it was real or not, Belle's eyes would flutter open and she would feel the furry paw of the Beast stroking her head or placed on top of her hand. Other things that she saw that were worse and mostly consisted of bloodied roses, ripped paintings, wolves lunging at her in a blur of teeth and claws and snarls, Phillip bleeding out before her, and sometimes Belle could see nothing but blackness and could feel a hand wrapped around her throat, as someone suffocated her. Sometimes, Belle was cold and drowning, water constricting and burning her lungs. This was the worst of her nightmares.

Belle was sure she was dead.

Finally after what seemed for forever, Belle felt her eyes open and she could see everything clearly. Her head slightly pounded and her back ached, but she wasn't cold or shivering and her throat didn't feel as raw as before.

Belle kept still, praying that she would stay awake and not slip into the strange stream of consciousness that she was in before. Belle turned her head and Colette was sitting in the painting next to her bed, knitting something that looked like a dress.

"Colette," Belle croaked.

Colette's head snapped up, "Belle! Oh thank God!"

"What happened?" Belle asked.

Colette looked at her, "You ran from the castle. You were attacked by wolves! You've been so sick! Belle, why would you leave the castle at night?! You could've been killed! You are lucky the Master was there or you'd be dead!"

Belle breathed a shaky breath. "The Beast saved me?"

"Yes. Just in time, too. You'd hit your head and you'd been cut up badly on your back. Not to mention, you are bruised and cut up everywhere on your body. And you've been so sick- you had a terrible raging fever. As for your back, I'm afraid you'll have scars now, darling."

Belle's mind reeled and she touched her hairline. There was a small stitched up gash that felt rough and foreign to the touch. Belle pulled her hand away, "Colette, what about Phillip?"

"He's okay. He's going to have really bad scars and he won't be able to be ridden for a long time. His injuries were very bad. He almost didn't make it," Colette said sadly.

Belle sighed in relief, but immediately began to feel guilty. She felt her eyes well with tears and they ran down her cheeks. She sniffed, "This is my fault."

"It's not, Belle. The Master can be scary. You were only protecting yourself."

"I had to leave. He... Well he was so hurtful,"Belle said softly.

"He didn't mean it. He says things he doesn't mean when he's angry and then he calms down. You are still our guest here, Belle," Colette defended.

"I don't think I can believe it," She breathed. "Why did he save me if he was so angry?"

"Because he isn't heartless. He's just stubborn and angry with himself. He may not act like it, but your presence here has affected him. Before you, he rarely even came out of that tower."

"So I cannot leave here?" Belle asked.

Colette shook her head softly, "No."

Belle was quiet. He didn't need to get so angry with her about going into the tower, but she was in the wrong too. He had warned her not to go up there and she didn't listen. She supposed that if someone had broken into her house and snooped around in her stuff, she'd feel the same way. But the hate? Where did that come from? She'd hadn't done anything to wrong him. Why would he hate her? And now she's still stuck here with him. Belle felt deflated. If she is to be here, then they were going to have to come to some kind of term of agreement.

"How long have I been out, Colette?"

"It's been three days."

Belle's eyes almost popped out of her head.

She sighed. She was in too much pain to move around right now. She would be bedridden for a while. But maybe it will be a good thing. It would give her a chance to figure out what to say and it will allow both of them to calm down.

"What time is it?" Belle asked.

"It's almost six. The sun will be going down soon."

"I think I want to go back to sleep now," Belle muttered.

Colette left the painting, entering the room a moment later and Sal came in. He handed Belle a warm cup of tea and looked down at her.

"I'm glad you are safe, mademoiselle. Drink this. You'll feel better."

And with that, he left.

Belle drank the warm tea, relaxing at how smooth and lovely it felt on her throat. Immediately, Belle could feel her head getting light and she sat the empty cup on the table.

"Thank you, Colette," Belle mumbled, almost asleep.

"You're welcome, Belle. Goodnight."

But Belle didn't respond. She was already fast asleep.

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