The Enchantment- 5

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I wasn't going to post this until next week, but I'm so excited so here's chapter 5!

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Belle opened her eyes the next morning, feeling good and well rested. The light that shone through her window signaled dawn and Belle was up before the rest of the servants. Once, she had inquired as to where Colette went at night and Colette said she would sleep in a painting downstairs in the servants area. She could only travel through the castle paintings.

Belle got out of bed, trying her best to be quiet in case anyone in the castle was up and might hear her. She walked to the window and pulled the latch up, opening it and letting in a cold breeze. Everything outside was frozen. The dark, cold forest spread out around the castle and seemed never ending.

Belle sighed at the dreary landscape. It wasn't even winter time yet, just the beginning of fall. She wondered why on earth it was snowing here so early.

She turned around, walking to her wardrobe to pull out a dress that was plain and simple, yet tasteful for a day in the castle. Nothing near as elegant as the dresses she wears to dinner. She pulled it on and quickly, crept out of her bedroom.

She walked along the halls for hours, still avoiding servants when she could hear or see them. She was still unsure about being out and about around the castle. Although, the Beast had told her she was allowed to go wherever she wanted.

She spent her morning exploring every unlocked room available- her discoveries consisted of an immense library, a music room, a fencing room, a throne room, an armory, and the portrait room she had found the night she fought with the Beast, plus so much more.

Belle even went as far as to venture into the West wing. She had walked past a stairwell that led up towards the sky and just as she was about to follow it, she remembered the Beast's words about the West wing tower. Belle had a terrifying feeling in her stomach that those stairs were the entrance to it. Afraid that she would get caught and blamed for attempting to go up, she had turned back around and scampered away as quick as she could.

But the mystery of this castle gnawed at her and she knew that somehow, that tower would give her answers.

Coming to a closed door, Belle turned the handle. It was unlocked. She crept in and it was so dark that Belle couldn't see anything. She began walking, holding her hands out to avoid hitting or tripping over any objects. She stubbed her toe on the edge of a small sofa on her way across the room and she had to stop for a minute to stifle a small scream into the crook of her elbow and wipe the tears of pain from her eyes, but ever so slowly, she finally found what she was looking for.

Drawn curtains over the windows.

She pulled the curtains back and light shined throughout the room, consuming the darkness.

Belle's mouth opened in amazement.

It was a huge art room. An easel sat in the corner of the room, a desk near one of the  windows, and shelves containing brushes, paints, pencils, and every other kind of art supplies someone might need. Canvases were strewn and stacked everywhere around the room, as well as discarded supplies and papers and brushes. Dust coated every surface and there were dirt, dead leaves, and dead rose petals scattered the floor along with the art supplies and canvases.

So, this room definitely needed to be cleaned up. But Belle was up to the challenge. It'd been a long time since she had been able to paint or draw, but she loved it as much as she loved to read.

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