Holloween Party Part.1

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{Sans POV}

"Why did Gaster make Papyrus a hybrid and not you"Frisk asked.

I froze.I knew the answer, but should I tell her....I will.

"Gaster made Papyrus a hybrid because Gaster thinks he's weak"I explained.

She sighed.

"What makes you stronger"She asked.

"His tests..."I said.

"I see, so he does tests on you and now did his first one on Pap to make him stronger"Frisk said.

I noddded.

"Ok, goodnight"Frisk said as she kissed my cheak.

"Night"I replied.

Soon we both fell asleep.

{Time Skip to middle of the night}

I herd the sound of glass breaking.I got up imidiently and went into Sam's room.Sam was in bed badly injured.Her soul was on the verge of breaking.Sam didn't have save files, so if I couldn't heal her I would need to get Pap.She was covered in blood and a piece on glass was in her leg.

Sam couldn't speak.I slowly pulled the piece of glass out of her leg.Then placed my hands over the cut in her head and the cut on her leg.I focused best I could.The head cut heals and the one on the leg was so close.I tried again to focus.The cut healed but she was still covered in blood.I heard running footsteps and assumed it was Frisk.She came in and looked at Sam.

She began to cry.

"Don't worry I heald the major cuts, I'll heal her in the morning when I wake up"I said.

"What Happened...."She asked.

"I'm guessing Chara"I said."if it was She's ganna have a bad time"

My eye went blue with rage.

"Sans, calm down your going to scare her"Frisk said.

I sighed and my eyes went back to normal.Sam looked at me.

"D-Dada my leg hurts..."She said weakly.

"Let me fix it hold still"I said as I put my hand on her leg.

I focused and soon healed her.I picked Sam up and took her into the bathroom.Frisk followed.

"Frisk, give Sam a bath. I'm getting her new clothes"I said.

Frisk nodded and I left and grabbed Sam a pair of blue footie pajamas.

{Time Skip to 10:00 Sam POV}

My arm was covered in small cuts and so was my cheak.Dada walked in and sat next to me.

"Sit still, I'm going to heal you and make the cuts disappear"Dada said.

I did as told and he put his hand on my arm and the other on my cheak.Soon my cuts were heal and I was fully back to health.

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