Chapter 1

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Dani's pov;
How I ended up on this beach? I'm not sure. Right now my best friend Brooklyn is in the water splashing like a fish out of water. She's pretty mental in the head but I love her.
Let's rewind
   I knew at this moment my mother was either going to kill me or herself. We had gotten into an argument over where we should live. She thinks that Rockport is a great place and has high education quality which in reality it does but the social life I have there stinks like a sewer. I did my research for ten hours a week to support my case in effort to move to the "Bay Area" or somewhere else on the west coast. Her face turned to the same color as a slice of watermelon and yelled back at me. I was over this and I hated my mom truly. She always wanted to look like the most amazing mom ever, buying me Louis Vuitton bags or some other expensive upper class junk but at home she was an alcoholic chugging down whisky and beer till she past out. I supported us as I worked my weekend job and Lotskys Fast Food Restaurant. Ninety nine percent of my check went towards buying us milk or eggs.
The last one percent, I ideally spent on snow cones for Brooklyn and I from Summers Snows. Brooklyn is my best friend and is almost is in the same situation as me. Her father cheated on her mom when she was six and obviously ended up in a divorce. She lives with her father and his girlfriend who is a major gold digger. Both of our family's were far from perfection but Brooklyn is like my sister and I love her like one.   
   Brooklyn paced around my room and was obviously worrying. She grabbed the end of her butterscotch hair and chewed on it, totally giving her spilt ends. "Dani, I cannot live like this, it's like I'm trapped in a family who isn't even mine!", she cried. She flopped onto my bed and soaked the sheets with her tears. I agreed with her, we deserved to live in better places with a better family. I tugged on my Tye Dye shirt and I gasped. I ran into my kitchen grabbing the stacks of papers I had for the debate I had with my mom last night. I showed her and she smirked.
"I know u think I'm insane and crap but I think we should runaway and go all the way to California. Maybe we could even hitchhike but if we did I'll bring one of my dads guns!" I thought it through and it was a set plan. It  was August and we could leave tomorrow and be there at-least a week before school started.
   I brushed my teeth and straightened my hair. I quickly but quietly ran downstairs, and grabbed my moms wallet. I slid five 100$ bills in my pocket and grabbed my suite case. It was three in the morning and Brooklyn and I were going to head to Cali at 3:15. I was so excited and maybe I was going to even meet the guy for me. We could go have picnics together and watch the local High Schools football game.

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