pt 2

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"Alaska? You're running away to Alaska." I ask in disbelief. He seems like such an adventurer.

"I wasn't planning on staying there forever. That would just be my first stop. I would get a job there for a couple of months and then maybe go to Europe if I make enough money, and then hopefully get a Canadian citizenship and start a life there."

"You got it really planned out. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I don't even have a car."

"Do you want to go to Alaska with me?" Sam asks quickly, noticeably worried that I'll say no.

"Maybe." I pondered on the thought for a minute or two. "You know what, fuck it. I'll do it."


"Nothing could be worse than my life here. Let's go."

"You got your passport?"

"Course. I don't wanna stay in the US, let alone Nebraska, my whole life."

A huge smile stretched over Sam's face as he grabbed my hand and led me out of the shop. Outside was a dark indigo car with a pale green interior. "Nice car."

"It was my mum's. She had an interesting taste."

I get in the passenger side of the car and chuck my bag in the backseat.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"



After waking up I dare not open my eyes and just pretend to sleep a little longer, but not too long, dad would get mad.

"Louise? Are you awake?" A sweet voice says before I remeber where I am.

"Yeah." I slowly open my eyes and adjust to the morning sun. "Where are we?"

"We just passed a sign that said 'Welcome to Koten County' so I assume we're in Koten County. Actually, can you get the map from the glove box and see where that is?"

"Sure." I pull the huge map of the US out of the glove box and search for this County. "What state are we in?"

"Wyoming. I think."

"We should go to Yellowstone! I mean, if we take the sameish route we're taking we will pass right by it!"

"I don't know..."

"Come on! It'll be fun! I've never been!"

"Sure, if we're going past it, why not!"

Yellowstone Park was amazing, the beautiful blue springs, the dusty landscape that stretched on for miles, not to mention the hills surrounding the park, filled with wildlife. My first instinct is usually to grab my camera, but this time I actually could feel the scenery. I guess you can say that I experienced Yellowstone Park. A dream. That's what this felt like. Sam was there too. He had lent himself to nature. I know, I can tell how cheesy I am being, but it was indescribable.

"The landscape is a Monet." Sam says as he stares into the forest.

"A Monet?"

"Claude Monet, a famous French impressionist artist. One of my favorites." His eyes were glazed over and I could tell he was fighting back tears, "This is the only truly beautiful thing I have seen since my mother." He doesn't make eye contact, his eyes are lost in the hills, the magical hills, for is he breaks the stare they win. They take his soul and leave him a lifeless body that wanders, hoping to find something as beautiful as them ever again. I look into his eyes the bright green eyes were glazed over by tears and pain. The magic was gone.

"Let's go." He demands abruptly.

"One stop down, a lifetime of adventures to go." I say as I cheerfully hop to the car. We get in the car and turn on the local radio. Arctic Monkeys came on. Collin likes this band. I miss him. I hope he's okay. He's behind me now. I'm going to Alaska with a complete stranger. Why? Why did I leave my only family to run away? I'm a fucking idiot that's why.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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