Chapter 6

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As I'm standing there, not knowing what to do, a monogrammed face pops up in the sky. It's the face of and old man with a white scruffy beard.

"Hello Jackson," he says.

I just look at him, without saying a thing. As he continues, "Lexy has ran out of lives but you still have three lives to spare, would you like to give those lives to her and she can come back in the game?"

"Yes!" I say without any hesitation.

After I say that I turn around to see her standing there, I run and hug her as tight as I possibly can. She kind of just stood there awkwardly unsure what exactly was going on.

" I'm so glad your back I thought I lost you!"

"I have no idea what your talking about" Lexy said.

It's like she got hit with the forget me stick, she has no idea what's going on!

I decide it be best to just move on and get this level over with.. I was getting sick of this game.

Why did I have to be a stupid wizard anyway?

When I turned around the face lit up in the sky had disappeared. I hadn't even bothered to ask who he was anything.. Now I wonder, who was he?

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