Rant #2: Hypocrites

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Every boy in my school is a
hypocrite. Like when my friends
and I are talking to a boy without
his friends around. They're like "That boy Hunter Rowland is actually pretty funny" or "Hunter can sings good, I heard him on an Instagram video"

Then when they're around they're friends they say this "Hunter sucks what's his talent" or " You have no life neither does that Hunter kid"

Like come on this literally happens with any boy I support but because I support Hunter the most they use him as a target against my friends and I. That's not the only thing ALL the boys that have said this to me follow Hunter's main and backup,Brandon, and Alexa.

Then after you ask them why they hate on Rowlands but yet they follow the rowlands and they're answer is "it just because I want to see how ugly they are"

Wtf that not even an accurate answer. Not only that but one of boys that makes his butt jealous cause of the amount of crap of Hunter that comes out of his mouth has basically the same username as Hunter's backup and he has the nerve to tell me "oh I didn't know that was the name of his account I didn't even know he had a backup account" like bish wtf first of all the day he got his backup you knew cause the next day you started saying he's a cool guy I followed his backup or some bs like that.

It honestly makes me so heated its not even because they talk bad about Hunter cause I mean haters gonna hate (that was so cliché) but the fact that you're being a hypocrite cause you don't want your friends to call you gay or things that aren't true.

You take it only if the shoe fits if not then you ignore it!

Long Rant but I feel like I should get the off my chest and comment to tell me whether you have people like this in your life, you agree, or disagree!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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