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This isn't a joke. I am completely serious right now.

So I been having random bloody noses and other pains.
So I looked up why I have been having them.

One word:


Apparently, Slenderman is trying to see if I would be a "good" proxy. To be honest, I'm a lovable, insane, hyper, emo, emotional, fan girl. I have never killed anyone in my life...
But I do listen to gory songs... Or ones that have a dark meaning to them...

Like Miss. Jackson by P!ATD ft. LOLO...

What has my life come to...?
If I don't update, it will either because of school or You-Know-Who (NOPE! Not Voldemort, THE other one that I mentioned above).




And remember kids......

MY RANDOMNESS SHALL SPREAD AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough cough* Where was I? Oh YEAH! I was talking about taking over the world with my randomness!!!! Welp back to it!!!!
Join mien Randomness Army, da?

Ve~meow, Luffy out!

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