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It was another ordinary day; the sun was excruciatingly hot, the breeze was no where to be found, you were in really short shorts, and the craving for ice creme was high.

You plan to stay inside the house, but it sure was crampy and searing as hell inside that large space of cement. That's what you get for stumbling on everything just to check the weather. But since you're already outside, you might as well go shopping for buckets of ice creme. And enjoy the air conditioned supermarket.

It's good to be single. And having a house to yourself.

And by good, I meant complete utter crap. So much stuff to do, just so you could maintain the tidiness of the house. But, whoops. You broke a lamp, and went berserk on the poor pillows that covered your way from the front door.

You went back inside, this time kicking the pillows out of the way, and grabbed some sunglasses. Not forgetting your wallet, you head out to eagerly fetch some buckets of sweet ice creme.

Heading to the grocery store by foot was not the best idea. You had a car, yes, but seeing as to wait for the insides of the vehicle to cool... You'd pass out before the air conditioner reached the end of the car. It sounded like a dead wish to you.

But now you just wanted to hide yourself from the demon sun.

Moving quickly, you turned a corner and passed a duo of hot dudes. One was wearing black rimmed glasses, while the other was a frowning blackette. They were literally bashing each other, glaring and seething.

They passed you as the blackette crossed his arms, shouting profanities at the blonde. You didn't look back though, you were too engrossed to even notice their faces. The blonde slowly looked back and smirked, pointing to your backside.

Speed walking away and turning to another corner, you faintly heard a splat-kind of sound behind you. You wondered if it was fallen ice creme.

Now reaching the welcoming arms of the sliding doors, they rudely retracted when you tried to hug them. "Well, whatever." You said hastily, walking up to the frozen foods.

You unconsciously shivered and stepped back to the dry foods, away from the chilling cold. "How the hell am I supposed to survive that?" You complain, a little irritated at the fact that frozen foods had to be leg chilling. It was a bit illogical but, you were having a grudge over intense temperatures right now.

Rubbing your arms, you went back to the sliding doors to get a shopping basket, your intentions solely on filling the lonely space with ice creme. And maybe some fruits and soft drinks.

Turning to your heel with the basket, you faintly see a guy looking at you. When he noticed you looking back, he quickly averted his gaze to a box of pork buns. He nodded in appreciation, in an attempt to not notice you.

You shrug, deciding that staring was normal. You did that sometimes, too.

Going back to the iced hell, you speedily went straight to the dairy section, hauling a bunch of medium sized ice creme buckets. Checking the price tag for a quick few seconds, you ran back to the dry foods.

"I still have money, maybe something healthy would be worth while." You happily murmur, clutching your wallet in excitement.

You trot in search for the junk food section, stopping wid way when you saw the same orange head staring at you. This time he didn't look away, and boy were you creeped. You held his gaze while walking away, the latter didn't move except for his head to follow your form.

"Creep." You mutter, going inside an isle.
"Am I even in the right isle?"

You spotted a large bag of pretzels and (f/f) leaning beside each other lovingly. Tempting you to buy both. You have more than enough money anyway, so you carefully placed both bags into your shopping basket.

Making your way to the cash register, you stop again once you saw the same ginger staring at you. He smiled so suddenly, and went over to you. "Hi! What do you have there?" He happily asks.

"Hi. I have 3 buckets of ice creme, bag of pretzels and (f/f)." You smile back, finding this side of the orange head much better than staring weirdo mode.

"That bag is kinda too big for you, wanna share?" He grins boyishly, giving you a mischievous wink. "Names Shoyou Hinata," He introduces himself nonchalantly. "(Y/n)."  You say back, giving him a closed eye smile.

"I'll shoyou my number then!" He snickers at the horrible pun, taking out his phone as giving it to you. You giggle back, giving your own phone to him.

After trading numbers he leaves you, running back to the cash register. As he ran, you saw like 6 packs of pork bun boxes. "That must've costed a fortune. What a rich guy!" You squeal, happy at the thought of a rich person liking you.

The amount of (f/f) you desired would finally come true..

In a daze, you walk to the same cash register, after Hinata got his paper bag with his goodies. Reaching the cashier, he had a bored looking expression. "Hey." He greets quietly.

As he scans your purchases, you look at the sliding doors to see Shoyou waving his hand energetically. "Bye (Y/n)!!"

You wave back happily. Looks like you got a healthy, steady relationship going for you.

After seeing him scram from the store, you turn back to see the prices of your food tripled.

"Hey! The prices tripled!" You complained. The pudding head looks at you boredly, opening his mouth to explain to you.

"Your boyfriend said a person named (Y/n) would pay for his pork buns. Hello (Y/n)."

You stared at the smirking pudding head, dumbfounded. How the hell did this happen?

You had been a really good and pleasant person, and this is what you get?

Reaching for your vibrating phone, you open it up to find this:

From: Shoyou

Surprise  ; )


You sadly paid for everything, your wallet catching a moth for you to use later. Then after awhile he sent you a picture of him showing half a heart using his free hand.

From: Shoyou

Finish the heart, (Y/n)! I love you so much! Thanks for paying!

You sent him a picture of your face with the middle finger sticking out.

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