Breaking Hearts

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I push Jungkook off. "No," is all I say as he stares. "I'm sorry Tae..." I started crying like a little baby and I felt embarrassed in front of Kookie. "What did Kai do to you? Or is it the bullies?" I looked at him, scared to tell the truth. "N-neither Kookie." He looks confused, "What is it? You can tell me anything in the world, trust me." I sigh, "It's my uncle," I blurt, "I don't like being touched, unless it's with someone I can trust.."

"Wait, you can trust that bastard Kai, but not me?" He asked angrily. "N-no not at all!" I was scared of the truth. "Plus.. I'm not gay!" I lied. He looked horrified, "What? You let me kiss you, you kissed Jin and you fucked with Kai?" I cried harder. "I-I, you-" he cut me off, "Shut the fuck up. You really don't deserve anyone, you sick fuck. You're mentally ill, you need professional help. You belong in an insane asylum!" I grabbed my pillow and hugged it as the tears poured like a waterfall. "Get out of my house." I said. 

"I wish you'd just leave everyone alone you sick fucking piece of shit." I glared at him and pushed him, but I was weak and all I did was move him back a little. He pushed me to the ground with a hard thump. I got even more worked up,"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, JEON JUNGKOOK." He stormed out of my room and I heard the front door close. I cried and cried until I couldn't feel my face. My pillow was soaking in my tears.


   At school, we ignored each other. Jimin noticed and asked me, "Hey what's up with you two? I thought you were close now." I cried again, "No, we're not close. We're farther than we've ever been, and I don't think it's possible to get close to each other again." Jimin rubs my arm, "What'd he do?" I sniffle, "Nothing, he did nothing." Jimin stopped me and sat me down on a bench outside. "What?" I cried harder thinking about it. "I told him... I'm not gay."

Jimin just stared in shock, "But... but you are." I ignored it, "He asked about Kai and why I did what I did and I didn't want him to know the truth." He sighed, "How could you just lie like that? To yourself?" I wiped my cheeks and stayed quiet. 


It's been weeks since the fight. Jin and Jimin have convinced me to talk to Jungkook, but I'm scared to. What will he do? At least my parents -who heard me yell at Jungkook- are staying out of it.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

I was sitting by myself at lunch when someone sat across from me. 'Go away," I say. "Jungkook I just wanna talk plea-" I look up at him and glare at him, "Shut up, I don't want to talk, not to you." Tears started to run down his pale cheeks. "Please Kookie. I'm sor-" I hit him... I slapped him, hard. "Don't call me Kookie ever again." He held his cheek crying and ran to the restrooms. I knew what he was gonna do.

I saw his little boyfriend, Jung or Jin whatever, get up and run after him. People stared at me the rest of the day, because I hit an "innocent" boy.

During gym, we played dodge ball and Taehyung was out. I got angry just looking at him and threw the ball at him. It hit him right in the face and he looked at me and cried. Everyone laughed but me, him, Suga, and Jin. Suga and Jin ran up to him. The teacher wasn't watching and didn't care. Suga flipped me off and they took him to the locker room.  

Once Gym was over, as usual, we all went to take showers. Once I was done and dressed Suga came up to me. He pushed me, "What the hell man? What'd he do to you?" I kept calm, "Look, shorty, it's none of your business." He punches me in the face, "Don't call me shorty, okay." I get mad and hit him back. It soon turns into a fist fight, but we were broken up by Jin and Taehyung. They dragged Suga out of the room.

I just left to my next class. I couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung saying he's not gay. Bullshit. I got angry every time and broke three of my pencils. The teacher asked me if I was okay and the students stared.


Once school was over, I started walking home. Someone, I know who, ran to catch up me. "Go the fuck away before I break your skull." He sighed, "Whatever, just listen would you? Or are you too engulfed in your own feelings to think about what I feel?" I look at him, "Shut up," is all I can say. I haven't, even for a second, thought about his feelings. I guess I said some pretty harsh things. "Is that all you can say is Shut up? Maybe you should shut up and listen." 

"Why don't you go back to your Ex? 'HE' seems to still care for you. You getting back together?" He sighs, "Look, me and Jin were never together. I just did it t-" Before he can finish I ask him, "Then why the fuck did you lie to me? To piss me off? I don't get you." He groans, "Would you shut up! I was talking. I only "dated' him to make you jealous.. Then you lashed out and decided to apologize. I just wanted to be friend again, to not ignore each other." 

"You told me you weren't gay, what the fuck does that mean.. Just explain. Oh, and you said you can't trust me?" He looks down at his feet. "The thing, Jungkook, I don't trust anyone with my body. Especially males... I didn't want to have to tell you about.. about my uncle." He gulped. "What about him?" I asked and he just started crying again. "It's a long story.." He said. "I've got a long time for to tell me."

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