Chapter Two - The Loops

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  As soon as I step through the door the door shuts with a loud bang! I think to my self "well there is no opening that door again..." I keep walking forward until there is a bend in the path it goes to an immediate left. I take the left and it nearly immediately turns left again.. and then left again.. and again.. and again. The path keeps turning left even though it should be impossible. I'm not going up or down. I am on a completely flat ground going around in circles. It shouldn't be physically possible to be doing this. I decide that the best idea would be to go back to the start so I turn around and start walking back. It has to be nearly an hour before anything changes. The circular path that I am walking is starting to get larger and larger until it finally stops, the wall has to be several feat apart now about the size of three cars lined up. Other then the size of the room it seems like the path is straight which is good. I follow this straight path to a door but this door is seemingly smaller and has handles for me to open it. I pull at the handles until it opens where I find a wall on the other side.

  In aggravation I kick the wall which turns out to be a bad idea. I sit on the ground in pain holding my foot until I look up and see a sign that says:

"Turn around"

So I turn around and I find a button on the wall. Suddenly the pain goes away and I jump up and press the button. It click and the floor disappears and I fall into a room.

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