Chapter Five - The Exit

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  When I reach the door I press the button and I hear her voice again. She tells me "Ed.. You managed to break the game. I told you it wasn't possible but you weren't supposed to get this far. In result you ruined the game for everyone else. This is the exit. I will let you free. But I will have to blow everything up from behind you." The door opens to a forest and rays of warm sunlight hit my face. I crawl through the door and as I crawl through it I hear her voice again "Good luck out there. Good luck surviving." I get completely out and the door shuts. I keep crawling until I can't crawl any further and I lean up against a tree. I hear a hissing sound and then I hear explosions. Before I know it I black out.  

  When I wake up I can't see the door no more. In fact I don't see anything there. I crawl towards the location where the door used to be and all there is remaining is a giant pit. A pit where the facility used to be located. I hear flowing water and look around the pit. I see several pipes sticking out of the ground and I see water flowing out of them. I think to my self "The facility is gone.. and a lake will take it's place." I crawl away from the pit and keep crawling I don't look back all I think of is that I need to make a home somewhere and get food and fix my legs.

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