Pond in the woods

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Credit to @_picolo on Instagram for the photo, it sort of inspired this story


It all started the year of 1998. Those visions,
those hallucinations that I kept seeing. My mother said it wasn't real, she said they never existed; she got so worked up about it that she sent me to a therapist, he was no use. 18 years later, I still believe they were my friends, I know they were my friends. I know that they were real.


"Hailey, lets go play over there" I ordered my little sister. I was about 11 at the time, it was a simple time back then. It always is at a young age. We didn't have cellphones or computers to entertain ourselves so we always went outside. We loved being embraced by the outdoors, rather it be at the park or in our neighbor's abandoned backyard we'd always love to have the sun in our faces and the wind in our hair. But my place I admired so much was forbidden for me and my sister to enter, the woods. It was only a block from my small suburban house. I would always walk to the edge of the block, sit there and watch the animals and scenery from a distance; daring myself to go in there. It's not like I don't love being in my backyard with my sister but, something about the woods enchanted me. I've only been in there once, with my father of course. Let me tell you how much fun I had in there. The second I walked in there I felt embraced, I don't know if it was the trees or the small animals there, but my heart fluttered with every step I took. There were squirrels and chipmunks that loved to hide in the trees and butterflies that loved to sit on the abundance of flowers that were in there. But one day when I decided to go in alone was when my world changed. I asked my sister Hailey to join me in there, she declined.

"Mother told us not to go there," she blabbers on. I decided to ignore what our mother told us and go in there anyways. The same exact feeling came into my heart, it was that type of feeling when your crush talks to you . I felt at home there. As I stumbled farther and farther into the woods and went farther and farther from the entrance, it also became darker. It soon became so dark enough that I could no longer see anything. It was pitch black, my heart raced, I felt alone and my body began to tremble.

"Hailey?" I called, no response. I couldn't hear anyone, not a squirrel, not a frog, I couldn't even hear the wind blowing anymore. I began to sob, looking back I should of just retraced my steps, but I was 11 so could you really judge me? But It was then where my life would be changed. I path of light appeared, almost like a wispy dress flowing in the wind, but made of light, if you know what you mean. When I tried getting closer to it, it began to disappear. Not wanting to loose it, I chased it. My stubby little legs ran as fast as they could. It almost seemed as the faster that I got the faster that the trail got. I didn't know where this path was taking me, but for some reason I trusted it, I knew it would lead me somewhere safe. I eventually got to a where the light came from, it led me to a pond, in the middle of the woods. I walked in between two trees to see there was a sorta hill that let to the pond. And siting there was a girl, but she wasn't like any other girl. She had hair, hair that flowed in the air like a ghost. She glowed she didn't have normal skin, it glowed, so did her hair. She glowed like the sun, but it didn't hurt your eyes when you stared at here, it made you more, fall in love. She looked so ethereal. I then noticed, the trail, it was her hair, her hair was the one who led me to her. I walked down the small hill to where she sat and plopped my self right next to her.

"H-hi" I stuttered, she had her head in between her knees. She then raised her head, she looked surprised to see me, but she then smiled at me. Her eyes were stared right into mine almost like she stared right into my soul.

"So what's your name?" I questioned her. She didn't answer me. She instead took a stick from the ground and wrote the word Yuvia.

"Yuvia? Is that your name?" She nodded. I smiled at her. I guess she want able to talk, even though she wasn't able to talk we still interacted and enjoyed ourselves together.

She then grabbed my hand and took me near the shore of the pond. We both looked at the water, I took my shoes and socks off and rolled my pant up to my knees before dipping my legs into the water, sitting at the edge. Yuvia then followed up, as her feet touched the water, the pond lit up. The water became a neon blue color, you could see all the fish in the pond swimming freely, all the frogs, the Lilly pads that floated atop of the water. On the other side of the pond was a tree, I didn't see much of it till now, the leaves up the tree began to glow the same color as the water, you could see the roots in the water. I grinned at Yuvia, her face became slightly red. I looked into the water and my own reflection, but not Yuvia's . With all of this I didn't notice how late it was. It was already dark, there were billions of tiny stars in the sky along with the moon which reflected in the water.

"Yuvia, I enjoyed spending time with you but it's late and I have to go," She looked at me and nodded, a frown on her face, she even began to turn somewhat blue. She pointed at where I came from, the path returning again. I began to leave, but I turned around. Yuvia was in the same position as when I first saw her, but she seemed like she was, crying. I ran back towards her, and put my arms around her to give her a hug. She looked up, surprised why I would to that.

"Don't worry I'll be back,"

Let's just say I was definitely in trouble that night, but it was worth it, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


A/N Hello this is my first STORY I know, it probably sucks and has a bajillion errors but I tried. I shall try to update as soon as I can but I am very busy with school. Thank your or taking your time and reading ❤️.

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