Small Man

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Thank you Sanjanadee for  the new cover.


"What did I tell you about going in there?" my mother scowled at me. I simply ignored her. I couldn't tell her what happened in the woods. If I did, she would have never let me in there again, and I promised Yuvia that I would see her again. Once I promise something, I don't break it.


I was walking home from school that day, a block away from my house. Right down the street I could see the woods. Those damn woods, I knew mother would get angry at me if I went in there again, she would probably ground me. But then again, Yuvia. Thats when I ran for it. My mind, not really processing what I was doing. I was really hoping my mother didn't see me run past the house and straight into the woods. I closed my eyes and kept running, I didn't know why I was just running, not knowing where I was going. I just knew I would find her. I then tripped, I fell then tumbled. Round and round I went down the hill and splash. My clothes were soaking wet. I finally open my eyes to see Yuvia staring right at me. She was laughing, but again no sound. She then put her hand out to help me get out of the pond. I get up and try to shake myself dry like a dog. That didn't work to well as I ended up getting Yuvia wet as well. I check to see if I have everything when I notice something, my book bag.

"Yuvia, have you seen my backpack?" I question her. She shakes her head. We then begin to look around to attempt to find it. I seriously hoped my book bag wasn't wet, that was a dumb thing to think since I fell right into a pond. I looked around, I looked in between every bush and behind every rock. Then Yuvia taps my shoulder. She point to the other side of the pond. There on the base of the willow tree was my red book bag. I questioned how it got there, but at least it wasn't wet.

"We found it, but how do we get to the other side?" I looked at Yuvia. There was no direct path to the other side. The sides of the pond were to steep to walk on, we would just end up falling in and getting wet. Yuvia was standing at the edge of the pool, when it started to become a bit windy. Yuvia touched the water, it glowed, just like the last time I came here. This time she but her two hands in. The wind became even stronger, the branches on the trees waved back and forth. The clouds turned gray, like there was a storm. Yuvia was still at the edge of the shore, that's when I noticed. Her hair began to levitate, she seemed to glow more than normal. The lily pads on the water began to glow as well. Last time they didn't. Then in a flash of a second all the lily pads moved to the center of the pond, creating a trail to the other side of the pond. Yuvia then took her hands out of the water, she looked tired. The so called "storm" stopped when she did. It all happened so fast, that I couldn't understand what was happening.

"Yuvia are you ok?" I looked at her laying on the floor, she was almost out of breath. She pointed at the path she made. I took a step on the lily pad, it didn't sink. I hopped one by one, hop, hop, till I got to the other side. Right there was my back pack. I grab it and put on my back, then I see a small little human on the ground.

"Hello?" I talked to it

"Who are you mister, you're not from here are you" it gave me an attitude

"No, I'm here visiting my friends Yuvia," he looked shocked. He was like the size of a small dog. He only had these pants made out of leather and had a leaf coming out if his head. He also glowed, exactly like Yuvia.

"Listen here mister, be careful with Yuvia, she's one dangerous nymph I tell you," A nymph? I was confused, then I thought about it. Yuvia couldn't be a human, the glow, the pond lighting up. It sort of made sense now, but still it didn't. Why would he say Yuvia was dangerous? She didn't seem dangerous, she seemed very friendly. When I looked back to the small man, he was gone! In his place stood a daisy. I picked the daisy for Yuvia. I went back to the other side of the pond. Yuvia was there, tired out and sleeping. I grinned at her, she was adorable, she was curled up In a small ball. I simply kissed the daisy and put the flower in her hand. I looked back to the other side to see the small man wink at me. I'll try to take care of her.


A/N Hello again, I don't really know what this chapter was about, I'm raring to get more on Yuvia's lore and explaining who she is and the history behind the pond, so hope you enjoy and thanks for reading again❤️.

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