Chapter one: two dimensions.

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Running through the dark blue light, she could feel the breath on her cheeks as she ran through the trees. Boom boom boom it sounded as if her heart was in the middle of her head. Jumping fallen branches and lumps in the earth the sound of her heart beat became stronger and stronger and booms turned into thuds, getting quicker and quicker it felt like her body jerked every time her heart beat. Dodging the pine trees something catches her foot. Thump. She fell to the floor, and felt her tired body hit the damp sticks and leaves of the forest floor. She looked back in terror and then... "Ah!"

She screamed launching her torso up op into a sitting position, wait a minute. Light. The light was pale yellow. Comfort. She felt bed sheets wrapped around her legs. She opened her eyes to see that she was sitting in her bedroom. Her window was open, letting the see breeze come in and blow against the bamboo mobile hanging of fher window. Another nightmare. She sighed and fell back onto her pillow. She stared at the ceiling for a while and then turned the radio on, the faint sound of the shallow waves was soon drowned out by a very conservative sounding man on the radio. She tuned in to his voice...

"Strange happenings throughout the globe have shocked us all recently. Sightings of what seems to be conspiracy theorists keep showing up around the world. There have been some reports of them saying threats..."she turned up the radio.
"...and suggesting things such as 'on the nineteenth of June it will all be over' here is the full story, over to you Catherine." The voice swapped over to a woman.
"Thanks John, I am here with Declan white who is a part of the protests. So Declan, can you give us a bit of feedback on what this is all about?"
There was silence. Then a husky voice of a man.
"You didn't listen, none of you had listened. The nineteenth of June... That is all you need to know."
Then the radio loses signal, so she switched channels. Then a much more upbeat atmosphere filled the room - cheap thrills by sia.
"Singin' no worries about a thing..." Love this song, She thought.
"Cuz' every little thing is gonna be alright!" she sung along. She sprung out of bed and went over to her closet to pick out some clothes. She grabbed a blue, cheque t- shirt, a baggy top, and a denim jacket. And for her bottom half, she chose some white jeans with rips at the knees.


Sweet, peaceful sleep filled Aubrey's mind. It felt like butterflies sat inside her head, there wings gently swaying up and down. Then it was all rudely disturbed, "Aubrey wake up! We have to go in thirty minutes!" The butterflies swarmed. She opened her eyes to see her mother standing in the doorway "sorry mom." She swung her legs over the side of the bed and looked out towards the window, then heard her mother clip clopping away in the red high heels. Her room was an octagon shape with a window on each side of the shape her bed was in the middle of the room, a king size white one.

She got up and walked to her on suite bathroom that also had a walking wardrobe. Her family were rich, money wise, but in other ways not so much. She ran a sink full of water and washes her face with a flannel and then went to go pick out some clothes. She looked to the right side of her closet. white shorts and a blue cloth shirt, suitable for the hot weather. Then she platted her wavy blonde hair "Aubrey, come on! Your taxi driver will be here any second." She walked over to her door and with one last look at her room, she grabbed her phone and bag then ran down the spiralling stairs into the main room where her mother was waiting for her.

She fell into her mothers arms and hugged her "I'm gonna miss you mom." She said as she heard her mum sniff "I'm sorry that things haven't been ideal. I love you." She tightened her arms around Aubrey, Aubrey went to  hug her sister. She smiled and said goodbye to the little girl .beep! beep! The bus driver was getting impatient "goodbye my little cherry blossom!"
"Bye mum." She said with a smile.


"Rose! Come on! You need to be in the field by eight." She heard her brother "Ok, coming!" She grabbed her Nike bag and headed for the stairs.
When rose came to the kitchen she went to the cupboard and got a energy bar "ok, I'm gonna go now." Her older brother ran down the stairs and closed in for a hug, she hugged his waist and sunk into his big baggy jumper. He looked down and said "it's all going to be ok soon, I promise." He smiled, she Exchanged the smile "now go, 'gonna be here soon." "Goodbye Cal, I love you. Thank you so much for everything." She wiped a tear from her eye. "No, thank - You." They had on last hug. And then she swiftly walked to out the front door. She walked along the dusty path in between other fields until she came to the right one. She looked back at her brother looking through the upstairs window, she looked back and then kept walking. She finally arrived, dropped her bag and sat down on a log.


Aubrey was sat in the back seat of the bus. driving away, she looked back to see her sister waving. "Bye." She muttered while waving back, then she was sucked away, down the street past all the rich houses. Sigh, I wonder if I'll ever see them again. She thought, Where are my emotions? I should be upset... Right? But instead, I just feel nothing.


Rose looked down at the digital watch on her wrist, "8:30." She said. She heard the faint sound of propellers. Looked up to see a helicopter hovering in front of her. The sun shone through the the windows of her ride, it landed on the ground with a wobble, "In you get, we haven't got long!"
She stood up and picked up her bag...
Everything stopped... Thud! She hit the ground.
The light around her turned yellow. The sound of engines filled the air and rose felt her heart shake. "Get in now!" A voice shouted. Rose turned round and saw huge flames rumble, shooting towards her. Huge flames bloomed up out of other flames. She suddenly came back to reality, "No!" She screamed long and hard.
Cal, I have to find him...
"Get in the air craft now! That's an order!" The flames would soon in gulf the hole farm. She couldn't make it. Arms consumed her and she was pulled into the helicopter, kicking and screaming. "He's dead! He's dead, he's all I had! Who did that! I hate them... I hate them with a passion!" She screamed. She cried, cried like a toddler having a temper tantrum. What do I do? How can I go on? There's nothing left for me. Nothing. She thought. Then the engine sounded and they took off. It was all so sudden and unexpected, emotions flooded roses heart.


Three hours passed sitting in the back of the bus other kids had gotten on by then, ping, she had a text.
Shannon: hey babe! How far are you from us? We can't wait to see you! Xx
It was her friend Shannon.
Aubrey: ten minutes from the air port. X
Having a friend to see would be nice, As she felt so isolated in the back of the bus. Other kids messing around in the front throwing paper and other stuff.
Shannon: great! Exited to see ya girls? Also, we just checked and...
Aubrey: and what?
Shannon: we're in the same shelter! Number 342.
For some reason Aubrey didn't care all that much, of corse it was nice having some support, but it just didn't really matter to her.
Aubrey: that's great! I'll be there in ten. Xx
The bus slowed and a guy walked in he was wearing jeans, a short sleeved shirt tucked in to his jeans, earrings and some elastic braces attached to his trousers. He was holding his lunch box in his hands and his bag on his back.
"And your name is?" Said the driver. "Ezra." He replied. The bus driver jotted something down on a piece of paper.

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