ch. 21 That fool is gone.

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Dark POV

"Oh, poor king, I feel so bad for you"  I  say sarcastically sad before I laugh at the king who is now helpless and locked in his own dungeons. "LET ME GO!!!" Mark yells at me from the back of his cell,chained on the wall with him arms stretched apart,on each side one.  "Mark, I'm the king now! You will obey me,and if you don't, I'll never get you out of here,since I can't kill you!" I command. 

I hear Mark groan as I watch him looking at his legs who lay on the ground. "You can't do ANYTHING!!!" I laugh again.  "My plan finally works!! And it brings a bonus with it!" I say, grinning at Mark when he looks at me weirdly. 

"And what would that be?" He asks me annoyed. ".....(Y/N)" I answer after a few seconds of silence. "YOU BASTARD!!!" Mark screams as he pulls his arms towards me,trying to get rid of the chains around them. "SHUT UP!!!" I yell back.

"The more you scream,the more punishment you get! (Y/N) will marry me, I don't care if she likes it or not" I spit at Mark. As his head faces the ground again, I leave. 


I look down the hall to see, how surprising, the one and only , Wilford Warfstache. "Need a little help there m'lady?" He asks with a grin spread across his face. 

"well, i'd rather take the elevator, but I don't think the castle has one,so, yes please" I say, already annoyed.  "No need to be sassy,young lady! I've learned my lesson, I won't do it again." Wilford explains. 

I give him an unsure smile "that's nice,and I'm not sassy!" I say, chuckling a little. "Bitch please, I am sassiness itself, I know when someone's sassy" Wilford chuckles. 

"Alright, you ready?" He says, somehow it sounds sexual, but I ignore it, its's probably all in my head.  I nod and wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me from my wheel chair. 

He leaves the blanket on the wheelchair, wich makes me uncomfortable since I'm still in my big t-shirt. 

I feel his fingers under my knees,stroking towards my upper thigh, 'I've learned my lesson, Of course you did, dirty bastard' I think to myself.

I close my eyes and hiss in pain again. I hear him chuckling "It's not funny,Wilford" I moan in pain. It takes for ever to come down. "Jesus, how long are these stairs!?" I ask. It's like wilford just walks slower or something. 

"We're almost there" Wilford says with a shaking voice, sounding sexual once again. "why are you saying it like that?" I say, not being sure about him. 'I hope for him that he doesn't have a boner when he puts me down.'

Wilford chuckles deeply again, "I know, a gentleman wouldn't say this, but you're not the smallest thing I've carried." Wilford explains.  I look at him like he has two heads. 

"But don't get me wrong, you have a beautiful body!" He says quickly. "You didn't need to say that last thing" I say, slightly blushing. 'why am I blushing? It's just Wilford!' 

We finally arrive at the bottom of the stairs. Wilford puts me down gently in a chair on the hallway. And he walks up the stairs again to get the wheelchair. 'Please,hurry' I think to myself, not wanting Sexyplier or Darkiplier appearing. I can't do anything right now. 

Not that long later,Wilford comes down the big stairs again with the wheelchair and blanket in his hands. I see him staring at my exposed legs,wich makes me blush a little.  "thanks" I say  after he puts me down in the wheelchair . "No problem, m'lady" He says in a low voice before walking away again. 

I gather al my strength, and with pain in my arms, I roll down the main hall,towards the room with the thrones. 

When I arrive at the room, I see Darkiplier sitting on the throne where Mark is supposed to sit. "Oh,look who we have here,Wilford" Dark says in a smooth voice. 'How did Wilford get here so fast?' 

"Wilford has his routes through the castle." Dark says,clearly reading my thoughts. "Where's the king?" I ask after struggling with coming closer to the throne. 

Dark begins to laugh like a maniac, and Wilford laughs with him, "Oh dear, my sweet , precious young thing, you're looking right at him!" Dark says,laying his hands crossed on his chest. 

"What!?!?!?" I yell shocked. "Yeah, that fool is gone! Now I can touch you where,and whenever I want" Dark says walking up to me. "Why is he gone" I ask,wanting to cry. 

I look at Wilford, who is chuckling along with Dark, "Let's just say, he came out" Dark says. "You mean....Mark is gay?" I say with a tear rolling down m cheek. (So sorry if you're gay. I have no problems with gay people. I can laugh my butt off with them XD). 

"Yes, he ran off to king Jack's castle, so I think they have something now" Dark explains.(SEPTIPLIER AWAAAYYYY XD I don't really do the shipping,but I just had to )  "but...he wanted to marry me.." I whisper to myself.  "clearly not!!!" Dark says annoyed. 

"I rule the kingdom now,the crown is mine!!!!!" Dark yells into  the room. "And Wilford and Sexy are in second command" Dark explains,staring in my eyes. I look at Wilford who is smirking like crazy. 

Dark picks me up bridal style,roughly. "Dark!!!" I scream. "That hurt!!" I say hissing after he puts me down on my throne. His face comes closer to my ear, "I love it when you scream my name" Dark whispers before pulling away and sitting on Mark's throne. 

"Can I have my blanket back please?" I say annoyed. "NO!!" Dark yells "I like looking at your beautiful figure" Dark says in a smooth voice.  I sigh in annoyance. "Don't have an attitude missy!" Dark says, grabbing my chin, forcing me to look at him.  "Sorry" I say softly, a little scared. 

"Good girl" Dark growls as he concentrates on my lips,slowly releasing my chin. I sit back,trying not to move and feel pain no more. 

"Wilford, I want to speak to my villagers, bring them to the speech area, under the balcony" Dark says. Wilford nods "As you wish, my king".  'A speech balcony? I didn't even know the castle had that' I think to myself,trying to remember if I've been there. "You will be standing next to me as I give the speech, so I need you to walk, right now!" Dark commands. 

"But I can't, it hurts so much,Dark, please." I beg him. "Oh, come on" And with that,he pulls me off the throne and I fall on the floor. "FUuuucckk!!!" I scream. 

I hear Dark growl "Women". I look angry at him, immediately wanting to prove him that I'm stronger then he thinks I am. I gather all my strength and press my lips together to hold back my screams. 

And before I know it,I stand. "Good girl, now walk" Dark commands again in that annoying deep voice. I concentrate on my legs,and take one step,and another one. (I appreciate that XD)

Dark wraps his arm around my shoulders, "I knew you could do it, you're a strong woman" He says before kissing me on m cheek.  

'Mark, where are you!!?'

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