ch. 22 Off with the head.

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(I just realized how long this story is gonna be XD prepare for a lot of drama!!)


I struggle as I follow Dark to the balcony. Before we walk on the balcony,Dark puts on the crown and cape that Mark used to wear, and he looks at me. "You can't show yourself to the kingdom like that,put on some clothes!" Dark commanded. 

"But I don't have anything here." I say. Dark sighs annoyed, "Google!!!" He yells. And not long after that, I turn around to the sounds of a robot coming closer to the room. 

Google appears in the doorframe and first stares at me until Dark snaps him out of his trance, "Google, get (Y/N) some clothes" Dark commands.  "Did you ask; get (Y/N) some clothes?" Google asks. "Yes" Dark says annoyed, "And please,bring our favorite with you" Dark says,smirking at me. 

A devilish grin appears on Google's face before he walks off.  I nervously look at the doors that lead to the balcony. I hear people talk on the other side.  "Don't worry,babe. Let me do the talking, you just have to be sexy" Dark says in that deep voice again. 

After a few minutes,Google comes back with some clothes and, the black underwear. 'Ofcourse,that was their favorite...'.  Google hands it to me with a grin on his face. "Google,you can leave now" Dark commands. 

"Put it on" Dark commands while looking at me. "In front of you!?" I ask nervous. "Yes, of course, I will see you more often without clothes, so why make a big deal out of it" Dark says annoyed.

I blush as I remove my underwear from under my long shirt first, so that Dark can't see my womanhood. I put on the black panties and the jeans Google gave me. 

I turn around and pull of the shirt, I hear Dark growl slightly as I put on the black bra as quickly as I can. "I want to see you" Dark groans at me. I turn around,standing in my jeans and panties in front of him. I pull on my shirt,I can't do it fast, since I'm still in pain a little. 

Dark stands up,"Now we're ready" He says,talking to somewhere behind me. I turn around and blush like crazy when  I see Sexyplier standing in the doorframe with a huge grin spread across his face. 'Was he there the whole time? Because then he had seen my exposed front....' 

I see his hand,rubbing his crotch slightly before he walks away.  "Here we go, and don't forget to smile" Dark says strict. I nod and swallow nervously. 

I hear Wilford from the other side of the doors, "Give an applause for the new king and queen, Dark and (Y/N)!!!!". 'Queen!? What!? I don't want to marry this guy! I want to marry Mark!' I think to myself. 

"We'll talk about that later, baby" Dark whispers as the doors open. I walk next to him as he holds my hand tight. Dark doesn't wave,nor smile. I do smile and wave to the people. 

Dark makes a move with his hands, signing everyone to be quiet. 

"Greetings, my lovely villagers. I am honored to be your new king. Personally, I think I make a better king then king Mark. I won't go in any details, since I don't think the poor guy would want me to. My rules will be more strict. If anyone disobeys me,they will be punished." Dark says loud.   

I look at all the shocked faces. My face turns sad,thinking about Mark makes me wanna cry. I feel Dark pulling at on my arm, signaling I have to look happy,wich is hard at this point. 

"YOU AREN'T THE KING!!!" I hear someone yell from the crowd. "THAT CROWN IS NOT YOURS!!!" He screams again. I look down to see a man screaming his lungs out to Dark. 

Dark chuckles, "Look here people, what a proud man. You think you can just yell things at your new king like that...? Well, this is a perfect example of what NO ONE, should EVER do!" Dark screams. 

"I hereby declare this man,EXECUTED!!!" Dark yells angry,not able to control his anger anymore.  "Dark, you can't do that!!" I say in shock. 

He grins at me, "Watch me" He says as he turns to the crowd again, nodding at the two knights. "Everyone will follow the guardians to the execution! I want everyone to know,what happens with you if you ever dare to disobey me!" Dark yells, and with that, he turns around and walks out of the room in a fast pace. 

I follow him with pain in my body, "Dark, I didn't even know we had a place for...that" I say.  Dark gives me a devilish grin, "I can make whatever I want,whenever I want, and wherever  I want!" He explains strict. "My kind of ruling,is the best kind of ruling" He says before  continuing to walk. 

We arrive at a balcony,that has a view on a place,surrounded with brick walls.  In the middle of the stone ground is a small stage, shaped in a hart. (Imagine the place in Alice in Wonderland). 

Dark sits up front,and I sit behind him with some of the pliers. I look at their sad faces, and I  look down the balcony at the shock and terror on peoples faces. 

I hear someone hitting drums within the two seconds. It makes me nervous. I see one of the knights standing at the small table,shaped in a heart,where the man has to lay his head on. 

The man comes walking slowly, stuck in chains. The drums get a little faster when he stands in front of the table. The man gets on one knee,followed by the other. With his handcuffs in front of him,he bents down and lays his head on the heart. 

The iron knight looks at Dark, "Off with the head!" Dark yells. I see some women cover their children's eyes. I look away too,hugging the nearest plier, wich was Catiplier. He hugs me back as he wipes a tear away from my cheek with his thumb. 

After I hear the axe hit the table,I look up at Dark who gives nothing but a small grin.  I look at Emoplier,next to Catiplier,who gives no emotion at all. 

Dark stands up, " let this be a warning for you all!! Don't you dare to disobey me!!" He says loudly into the crowd. "I can't handle this" I whisper in Catiplier's fluffy black ear before I stand up,and walk away in tears. 

I run to my room,crying my eyeballs out. "Mark...come back" I cry to myself as I sit on a small white chair on the balcony attached to the bedroom, watching out at the kingdom. 

I hear the bedroom door squeaking open slowly. I hear footsteps coming closer to me while I quickly wipe my tears away. 

I turn around when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Catiplier stands next to me,looking sad. I stand up and hug him,since he's the only plier I trust right now. 

"How did this happen" I mumble in his shoulder.  "I don't know" He answers as he swings his tail from left to right. I pull out the hug and let him wipe my tears away. 

I sit down,and look at the other small chair, signing Cat to sit down with me. He scoops his chair closer to me. "I really don't know how this hap-" I cut him off "Just sit with me,I can't do anything now, I'll just think of a plan...." I say as I look at the beautiful fields. 

"Okay" Catiplier purrs as I stroke my hands through his thick locks of fluffy,black hair. I hear the bedroom door open once again,and before I can turn around,I hear Dark scream, "FUCK OFF STUPID CAT!!!". 

Catiplier hisses and runs out the bedroom with his tail hairs standing straight up. "I don't want you to have contact with other pliers like that, you are MINE!!!" Dark yells angry at me as he pulls me up from the chair. 

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