Falling For Fade (FFF)

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June 1 2016
Yn's POV
After my makeover I feel more confident and beautiful.
People would always tell me that "Your so beautiful"
But I never bothered to believe them. I feel very beautiful now . Considering all the compliments I've received from many people. And I feel comfortable an and kinda complete for some reason. Why? I don't know. Well today is another regular day, same routine to get ready for school.
I cant wait until summer break!
I got up outta bed and took a nice shower.
Then I put on (In the media.)
And it was about 6:45. 5 minutes before the bus came it took about 2 minutes to get there. On my way there guess who I saw.......????? Fades fine ass he gave me this cute smile showing his perfect white teeth, and walked over. which made chills roll down my back. "Damn he's perfect," I whispered to myself.

Fade: Wassup yn how have u been
Yn:Good how about you?
Fade:Ugh, I guess I'm good I kinda feel lonely without a girlfriend.
Yn:Ohhh umm so u go to my school huh
Fade: yeah I switched a schools mom thought it would be better for me.
Yn:ohh* walking to bus stop* I mean if u need any help around I can show u.
Fade:Nah Ive been here since last week .
Yn: How come you didn't tell me?
Fade: You haven't been hitting me up.
Yn: Sorry about that I've been busy on my Honor classes
Fade: Its coo......
*Awkward silence*
Fade: Well u look a stunning who u getting cute for hahaha?
Yn:*mumbling under breath* "Your cute ass"
Fade:What was that
Yn:No one ! Haha

*Bus Pulled up*
Fade: wanna sit next to me on the bus?
Yn: Sure, why not.
*Yn and fade walk on the bus*
*Fade looking at yn ass*
*Yn looks back*
Yn:Would u mind
Fade: Sorry,it w-wass just*GCO*
Yn:Save it
Fade: Ok
Yn: lets sit here *Points to seat*
Fade Pov
To be honest I like Yn she cool asf
And she cute to. I like her wild and crazy personality we started talking about lots of things School,Life,Future. And I honestly feel like I knew her longer than I do. I'm about to ask her if she wanna chill after school she probably say yes. I know she likes me. Soo here I go.
Fade: You wanna hang out later
Yn: Sure, my house tho
Fade: ight it's a date.. well not a date but like....
Yn: Two friends chilling lol.
Fade: yeah *Fade looking yn up and down*
Yn:Ok ..... were here!
Fade: Ohhh yeah
*Yn and Fade walk off the bus and head to there lockers*
Damn I couldn't help it yn's body tho it's perfect Opps I think I'm growing shit *heads to the bathroom*
End Of Fades POV.
Yn's POV
I haven't seen diamond I think she's said she was sick.
But anyways I saw the way Fade was looking at me like I was something he wanted but I don't know I just hopes he feels the same way I feel about him.
As I was walking to my locker to get my things for first period August decided to come behind me and slap my ass I jumped when he did.
Yn:Nigga *slaps August* DONT YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!
August: Damn I couldn't help it u looking that good for me!
Yn:I Don't like yo ass nomore get over it and go fuck one of your hoes I hate you. *Walks away*
End Of Yn POV
August Pov
Damn I never saw yn so mad maybe I should make things right with me and her I mean I did bully her along with diggy soo. Now I Feel BAD!
Damn he's annoying just pissed me off!
Anyways in first period i was day dreaming about Fade I can't get him off my mind anyways I'm so excited for today after school *squeals in happiness*
Teacher: umm your interrupting the people who actually want to learn
Yn:Mannn I got all Honor classes so..
Teacher:One more word ...*goes back to lesson*
Yn:*talks under breath* Bitch
Skips to Lunch
So I'm getting my lunch and I go to my table where guess who follows me to.
Yn:*sits down and turns around* what the fuck do u want August.
August: I just wanted to apologize for bullying you and Im truly sorry can you forgive me and we can start over as friends?
Yn: ok can u leave so I can eat lol
August:Why can't I sit with you?
Yn: Because I said so and this my table and u don't sit here ?
August: ok Mami bye
Yn:*waves hand* Bye!
Ugh I just forgave him do

So he would get outta my face I mean I kinda forgive him, but there's still hurt. Anyways about that I'm about to eat my damn food I'm starving.
Skips to gym last period
So it's time for gym and I change into my gym clothes I put on myNike top and my black Nike shorts (In media also )

So today were playing basketball and it's my time to shineFor some reason I get competitive whenever we play basketball or really anything sport tbh

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So today were playing basketball and it's my time to shineFor some reason I get competitive whenever we play basketball or really anything sport tbh. Idk why?
Butt fade is here so I'm extra happy he get to see me do my thing lol
But time got basketball
Flash forwarding to when the game started.
Fade PoV
Damn yn look sexy in her gym clothes and she know how to play basketball better than these boys up here damn she killin it !
POV Over.
Yn Pov
So the basketball game we did in gym is over and now Im tired asf I ask the gym teacher for a drink he responded with a yes. And I also so Fade follow behind me
Fade: YN!
Yn: Yess fade
Fade: How you know it was me you didn't even turn around and you killed it damn !
Yn:Thank you! And I know your voice and I saw u following up on me lol.
Fade: well schools over for the day after this period so since we're hanging out at your place, just come get me from my locker and get me so we can get on the bus together
Yn: Don't feel like getting on the bus want me to call my moms assistant to get us I can ask her to bring the limo .
Fade:that's coo them your mom gonna be home
Yn: Nope not until 1am I asked if u can come over its coo if u wanna stay a night u can to.
Fade:I'll ask now *dials his mom's number*
Ringgg,Ringg, Ringgg
Fades mom-Fm
Fade-hello mom
Fm-what do you want fade lol
Fade-how you know I was gonna ask for sum
FM-your my child
Fade-tru ... anyways i wanted to know if I can stay at at friends house
Fm-fade it's a school night
FM-do they  go to your school and you don't even have clothes for the next day
Fade- I bring extra clothes with me all the time
Fm-what about sleep wear
Fade- I bet they will have some
Fm-ugh I guess you can stay only one night tomorrow have to ass home and call me before you go to bed ...okayy!?!
Fade-thx mom and okay ..
FM-love you
Fade-love u to mom bye.
End of phone call
Yn:I'm hoping your mom said yes. ??
Fade:Yeah she did
Yn:I'll come get you after I get my things .
So the bell rings and I'm so happy best part of the day! I get my things and head to go get fade when I see Fades boy squad surrounding him
Fade walks towards yn
Yn:lets go the limo is waiting
Fade:ight *daps his squad and walks with yn to the exit and sees limo and gets in*
Fade: this limo crazy lit
Fade: your house big asf
Yn:ik lol let's head in maybe later we can get I'm the pool indoor or outdoor
Fade:Don't matter to Me !
Authors note

Damn I wrote more than 1392 words like damn my neck!

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