Chapter One

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Chapter One Start

The gentle current of the ocean curled around the gray rocks that jutted out of the surface, deadly points pointing toward the soft blue sky, wisps of white vapor crowding together to create clouds that inched slowly across the air, riding the wind that blew through the water and toward an underwater cove. A young man rested on one of the smoother stones that soaked up the sun rays, letting the warmth burrow into his bones, his very being.

Damp brown hair clung to his forehead, covering a birthmark of a constellation that was barely visible, and hanging over his blue scaled and webbed ears. His cheeks were dusted with light freckles that crawled up to the bridge of his nose, eyes a warm brown with flecks of dark honey noticeable in the left orb. On his right arm, just below the shoulder, was a dark outline of a pine tree. Around the male's neck was a bone necklace, a ruby gem hanging off the middle of it with a small 'D' carved painstakingly into it.

Below his waist were breathtakingly beautiful navy scales that flashed silver when he shifted, thinning until only a semi transparent end of a tail could be seen. His canines were dulled from lack of use, but his claws stayed thick and sharp and he scratched his makeshift bed as he tried to scrabble off of it, spotting a tiny school of fish darting around the damp cave, as if taunting him.

The young siren slid into the shallow bay, hands poised to shoot out and grip a snack, face alight with excitement and anticipation. He dove forward when movement caught the edge of his vision, successfully pinning down a rather large meal, and without much sound ripped open it's stomach being ravenously digging into it's contents.

He hadn't eaten in days, and no, it was not because the lack of food his colony had brought back. He just refused to eat anything that lived on land, purely because who knew what they did up there and he couldn't catch one no matter how hard he could have tried. He would prefer to just eat what he could hunt, which was anything that could swim. After he finished, the brunette licked his lips in content before submerging himself and feeling his gills expand as he inhaled in content.

The peaceful moment was ruined when a streak of pink crashed into him, sending him cartwheeling through the salty liquid before righting himself and playfully glaring at the other finned female that had decided to join him. Her features looked distinctly like his, though the only difference was the shooting star mark that resting on her cheek, shifting as she flicked her neon ears excitedly. "Dipper! Guess what I found?" She practically shouted, gliding energetically around him as she repeatedly started nudging him with her elbow.

She didn't wait for him to respond, gripping his wrist and tugging him happily as she continued to giggle. The male siren merely rolled his eyes, allowing a small upturn of lips as he struggled to keep up with the ecstatic counterpart. She flew past some seaweed, silently brushing their skin as she entered a clearing that was surrounded by an array of colors made up of coral and wildlife.

In the middle sat a pile of rotting wood, detached parts slowly floating up toward the surface with moss clinging feebly to it. All positive energy disappeared from his entire being as his grin fell into a disappointed frown, glancing pointedly at the other with a beaming smile stretching from ear to ear. "Uh....Mabel, no offense, but...we see this everyday." he said, making sure to carefully choose his words to avoid hurting his twin's feelings.

Her bright smile fell into an expression of exasperation as she crossed her arms, shaking her head slowly and exaggeratedly blowing a piece of light chocolate hair out of her eyes. "No, dum-dum, it's what's under it that's exciting!" she groaned, floating over to the planks and effortlessly pulled them up, systematically placing them in a pile next to her as she cleared away the covering, revealing a bright burst of gold that blinded him temporarily.

When Dipper's vision cleared, he was staring at a bright yellow coin that twinkled cheerily in the little light that was slanted and distorted from the waves pushing the sea life around them side to side and drawing up puffs of sand that settled lopsidedly on the ocean floor. His eyes widened, releasing a tiny gasp that had air filled bubbles rising toward the surface. He moved forward, examining it as his sister watched in unconcealed amusement at his fascination.

The circular object was slightly rusted around the edges, and the writing was to ancient to understand the language, but this was definitely something from land. He tentatively lifted it, surprised by how light it was, as it seemed to be made out of solid metal, and wasn't metal heavy? He shrugged, holding it over his head so he could get a better look, blinking when he was able to decipher some letters and numbers that weren't obscured with age. "T 1 C B S 9?" he muttered, turning it over and running a padded thumb lightly on the smooth treasure.

With Mabel's interest peaked, she leaned over his shoulder, thin brown eyebrows raising in surprise when she spotted what he had seen. Curiously, she snatched the object from her sibling's grasp, drawing a quiet protest of 'hey!' in objection, which was drowned out by the confused noise that emitted from his twin's throat. She squinted at the indents, the tip of her tongue poking out of her mouth in bemusement as she prodded the same spot he had been looking at.

"Dipper, what the hey-hey is this?" The female brunette shoved it into his face, voice brimming with enthusiasm for the new mystery that had wormed it's way into their lives. Taking the coin back, he carefully tucked it into the satchel that the other siren had slung over her shoulder before carefully clasping it back into place, pulling her in the direction of home. An uneasy feeling had settled into his gut, and they were to close to the border where another dweller or outlaw might catch them and use them for ransom.

He didn't know what he'd do without his sister lighting up his darkest days and accompanying him on new adventures, which led him to being the protective, overbearing sibling while his twin was the happy, think-best-of-everyone-even-if-they-try-to-bite-your-head-off sister. "I don't know, but we don't mention this to anyone, alright?" He ordered, turning to her and affectionately gripping her shoulders. When she opened her mouth to protest, she faltered at the concerned face of her beloved brother before deflating and mumbling her consent.

Nodding dutifully, she squared her shoulders and puffed out her cheeks, eyes sparkling with laughter as she said in a emotionless voice, "Serious Mabel, now on duty." before playfully pummeling the blue siren and breaking her mask when she heard the laughter of her twin. She may be the outgoing sister, but when it came down to it, she was willing to sacrifice everything, even the own trust of her family and friends, to protect the best bro-bro in the whole seven seas, even if he is a paranoid wreck.

They swam back toward their colony, showing off to each other and trying to beat the other's stunt, giggling lightheartedly all the way.

Chapter One End

Yay! I managed to update even with the stress of a presentation on my shoulders tomorrow! AND earlier then I said I would! I'm so proud of myself right now. Sorry for the long wait, I had to work on a project and write a ten page essay about one hundred-page book that literally is just repeating itself over an over again. Ugh. But ANYWAYS, I managed to whip up this little thing, so I guess that's another thing to cross off of my 'Things I Do When I'm Stressed And Need To Do Homework' list, and yes, I actually do have a list that says that. It's almost summer vacation, are you guys excited?! For some it might already be, and let me tell you, YOU ARE INCREDIBLY LUCKY. I'm glad I could post this today, I know some have been waiting for the start of the real story, and I'm also really happy users are enjoying this! That's all I wanted to say, I guess, so....yeah! Next chapter will be coming out sooner then this one, I promise! <3
;) dis is Rae

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