Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight Start

The blond shifted, sighing softly when he felt the strong arms securing him to a chest. A dark blush bloomed on his cheeks when he recalled what had transpired last night, and even if it was only a little bit of cuddling, it still had his face lighting up in fifty shades of red. He tried to wiggle out of the strong grasp, biting his lip to prevent himself from whining in frustration when his efforts proved to be futile. Dark yellow eyes scanned his surroundings, lighting up when he spotted his shark, loosely gripping it and shifting his weight so he could push the animal into his spot and allowing a smug tug of the lips before turning and sliding down the stairs silently.

He floated around the middle floor, peering into rooms and shaking his retracting head when he didn't find what he was looking for. Trailing his hand lightly on the wall, he superstitiously glanced both ways when he reached an intersection in the hallways, choosing to swim down the left corridor and looking behind him with baited breath. The golden siren shivered from the cold temperature, teeth quietly chattering and breaking the eerie stillness that had taken over the usual hustle and bustle of the tourist trap during the day.

He twitched his ear fins, looking around in wonder at the decor that hung off the rotting foundation around him, eyes widening as a few blinking fish zoomed past him, swirling around each other without sound and slithering out the cracks that had formed from water damage. Twisted knots in the decomposing carpets below him had formed from age, swaying lightly from an invisible wind as he continued through the home of his two friends. The blond darted around a corner sharply, skidding to a halt at the large room in front of him, grinning and flicking his forked tongue out of his mouth, already salivating from the millions of scents that bombarded his senses.

He rushed in, opening a cupboard and nearly laughed hysterically from the sight of piles upon piles of food stacked neatly on top of each other, covering his mouth in disbelief, excited gold orbs skimming over the choices he could choose from, stomach growling loudly. He patted it heartily, carefully reaching out for the smallest meal he could find and extracting it without disturbing any other dead prey meant for the residents that lived here. He didn't think he deserved that much food when he had contributed nothing to help catch it, and he was perfectly content with barely eating anything instead.

Sitting down cautiously on a stone stump that was haphazardly pushed into the thick circular rock that he assumed acted as a table for the brunette's family and friends. He made sure to not to even brush it with any of his drifting appendages, curling his fingers around the tiny sardine that he was holding, nibbling it passively whilst musing about the numbers and letters that had lined the coins. He was positive he had seen the symbol that had been engraved on the back, below the unexplainable sentences that the blue siren had read out loud.

With a contemplative hum, he stared blankly at the skeleton remains that laid limply in his palm. He rubbed his chin, trying to start the frozen gears of his memory, his farthest ones foggy and confusing. Something crashed to the floor, and the blond's head shot up warily, slowly moving away from the noise, grasp instinctually moving up to his locket and lightly touching the seashell that thrummed along with his heartbeat. He meekly called out, back peddling in trepidation, "Damien?" A figure shot out, furious eyes focused solely on him as he released a ear-shattering shriek, only muffled by the meaty hand of his attacker.

Demands were flying out of the mysterious beings mouth, but he was violently shaking, tears pricking the corner of his eyes as pitiful whimpers escaped his lips constantly, head thrashing desperately as he was shoved into his back with an audible thump, screaming into the limb smothering his voice as he landed painfully on his yellow webbed dorsal fin. Forest green orbs stared aggressively down at him, baring their fangs dangerously and leaning down above his jugular. Slurred pleads for an explanation slipped through his lips, but the pupils of the other person shrouded in shadows were constricted in sick delight of being the cause of another's fear, smiling widely down at the intruder.

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