
19 0 0

Omega Male 1:

Name: ghamis lýkos

Age in wolf and human: 19

Appearence in either:

                               wolf :                          or


Weapon/powers: he can regenerate himself and he can easily adapt to any handheld weapon

Personality: somewhat cold,clumsy,a good cook and he is always the one to run to get back up in the middle of a fight because he is the fastest at fleeing, and the kids like him

History: his parents were traitors of an enemy pack and then killed trying to protect him

How you came into this pack: outcasted as a pup from his old pack he stumbled onto the territory dirty and with many open wounds the past alphas felt sorry for him and let him in the pack


Omega Female 1:

Name: Accalia Age in wolf and human:

Wolf 18, Human 14 Appearence in either: Skinny, Black

Weapon/powers: See the future

Personality: Friendly, nice and outgoing


How you came into this pack: Saw on friends' bio 


Omega Male 2:


Omega Female 2:

Name: Dakota Rain

Age in wolf and human: 20 for human as for wolf 120

Appearance in either: Human- Dark brown hair that reaches below her shoulder slightly. Blue eyes. Wolf- white fur with tints of gray in it and has blue icy eyes.

Weapon/powers: Sharp teeth & Twin claws (a bit like wolverine in X-men XD ) Powers- none at the moment.

Personality: Ice cold at first but when they trust they become warm, lazy, and fun.

History: She come from the woods, her parents abandoning her, and friends ending up as enemies she has trust issues for these reasons. Her pack was killed years ago, by another pack (mostly her old friends) She is wanting a fresh start but everywhere she turns they end up abandoning her.

How you came into this pack: By commenting on@Katana_girl 's profile and seeing this pack.

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