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Head Healer:

Name: Michi Age: 16 for both

Appearance: Human: Thick midnight black straight hair that waves slightly at the end and reaches halfway down my back, thick black tail, black ears and black eyes.

Wolf: Midnight black fur and purple eyes.

Weapon/Power: I have a deadly poisonous bite which and am immune poison.

Personality: I can be caring and funny. But when fighting I become ruthless and dangerous with a mean bite.

History: I was disowned by my family and kicked out of my pack because I fell in love with a human. But he left me and for that reason I hate humans and their perfect lives. Ever since I have been wondering alone until I met Saraphine.

How You Came Into This Pack: Incendium messaged me saying that if I like to join I should and that I would make a great addition to the team.



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