Near the End; Two Friends

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     Part 1

     It was 9AM on Friday, and class was just about to start. Everyone in the room chatting away about how they were going to spend their weekend.

     "Class!" The room went quiet and all eyes darted to the front of the room at the teacher.
"We have a new student joining us."

     I looked up from the math homework I didn't finish last night. I was drawn to this new boy like a magnet to the fridge. This new boy had long brown hair, pale skin, a scar over his left eye, looks like the eye might have been blinded. He was tall and toned. He's beautiful... My thoughts were immediately interrupted by the teacher.

     "This is Percival-"
     "-it's just Percy." He spoke. His voice fit his complexion so well. I felt myself falling deeper into a crush.

     "My apologies, Percy," the teacher glanced down at Percy. "Class you are to treat Percy kindly, and help him around the school. Now go have a seat dear. We will begin class." She motioned for Percy to take a seat.

Instantly I moved my bag from the chair beside me hoping he would sit next to me. He started my way, my heart pounded. I've never felt this way before. No he's probably an asshole. No I don't like him. No, No I don't. I would have had a heart attack if he sat by me.  Thankfully he didn't. He sat one chair up, one chair right from me. This is great I thought to myself. I can look at him.

     I ignored the teacher that whole class. I just looked at him the entire time. I couldn't focus, and I hated myself for it.

    Walking out the classroom door on my way to history I heard, "OOOOHHH CHRYS I SAW YOU LOOKING AT THE NEEEEWWWWWW KIIIIDDD," my good friend Hilda snuck up behind me. I jumped. My face went red I felt it.

     "I-I-" I stuttered, and before I could get the words out of my mouth.

     "You need to TALK TO HIM," Hilda was talking really loud as we walked to our next class. "Sit by him in History. If you don't I will tit punch you."

     I couldn't help but chuckle. My voice was shaky "fine I-"

     "Also ask him to hang out after school. You're pretty hot he might just like you baaaaaacckk" Hilda sang.

     "Shut up" my face got even more red as we walked into to restless history room.

     I practically rushed to the desk beside Percy. I looked at him. He looked back. Direct eye contact. Oh my god oh my god.

     He stuck out his hand for a handshake.

     "Hey." He smiled. His two canine teeth  were larger, and placed oddly. Holy shit he's a vampire. I chuckled awkwardly. My face went red.

      He raised a brow. "You okay?"
      I nodded and smiled awkwardly. "Yeahh."

      He smirked, "I'm Percy, if you didn't already know, and you are?"

       I hesitated. "Chrysoberyl, but everyone calls me Chrys." I tried to keep my cool.

"Chrysoberyl huh? D'ya know why your parents called you that?" He lousily tried to spark a conversation.

I thought about it. "No, I don't, It's retarded though. I hate it."

"I don't think it's 'retarded', I think it's different. You know your eyes are the colour of chrysoberyl." He said as he turned to the front of the class. My eyes didnt leave him. He was somehow... Amusing

     Class started and once again I was stuck into his quicksand. I missed the whole class, lost in his looks, daydreaming about him. I even tried my hardest to bump arms with him, and make it look like an accident. That entire school day went like that until classes were done for the week.

     I searched for Percy in the main mall of the school. Only to find myself come to disappointment when I caught a glimpse of him talking to some girls. Hilda just so happened to be in that group. I was angered, I walked by him, my head hung low. As I walked out of the school I let out a long sigh.

"Scared him off," I said beneath my breath.

I counted my steps as I started off home. My heart felt heavy with disappointment and anger. What a day.

Near the End; Two FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now