Chapter 3: Escape Plan

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I had felt bad for Percy. Frankly I didn't like Finnegan as much. Finnegan was uptight, and something about him made me uneasy. I decided that today in class i'd stand up and sit beside Percy, not the opposite way around. Unless Percy got suspended.

I saw Finnegan walk into class, Percy right behind him. Finnegan almost seemed to control Percy in a way, and maybe that's the reason he made me uneasy. Percy sat in his usual spot and Finnegan sat right behind him. I made my move and plunked my butt beside Percy.

"Hey there," I gave Percy a nudge on the shoulder. He jumped.

Percy looked at me like he had just witnessed me smooching his brother. Actually that's a weird metaphor to use because I think Finnegan likes me. Then again i'd probably have that face too.

I didn't even need to look at Finnegan to know that he was glaring at Percy with the cold hard glare he had yesterday.

"Hi," Percy turned to the front of the room. I saw him do the same thing yesterday. Look to his feet, then make a face of 'please help me'.
Something was not right here.

I looked back at Finnegan "What's your deal?" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Percy go completely white.

Finnegan grinned, and spoke smugly "Nothing, is my deal." He clenched his fist slightly. I turned back to the front of the room. Percy was terrified. I've never seen someone look as scared as he was in that moment.

I hadn't noticed anything for the first half hour of class. Until the teacher left the room to get something from the office. That's when things went downhill.

Percy coughed, but he kept coughing. Then the coughing turned into gagging, gasping for air. Holy shit he's having an asthma attack. Wait a minute, there was a reason to why Percy was so scared at the beginning of class. Everyone in the class was panicking. One student had ran to the office for help, but I put the pieces together.

I felt anger rising in my chest. I turned around and I hauled off on Finnegan, giving him a good punch in the jaw. Everyone went silent. "That's for nearly killing a guy in the middle of class, asshole."

Percy stood up, he was shaking, and I mean SHAKING. Finnegan was even more angered and I could see it. His intentions was to make Percy pass out or to kill him.

Finnegan had a redmark on his jaw, he clenched his teeth. Then the teacher walked in. Finnegan stood up

"Miss!" he pointed to the shaking Percy that looked like he was about to pass out. "HE nearly BROKE my jaw"

Percy literally collapsed to his knees. That poor teacher was speechless, as was the class.

"Percy, did-" the teacher didn't finish her sentence.

"Yes, I did." Percy knew very well he didn't do it. He struggled to stand.

I wouldn't have it, no sir. "No miss, he didn't. Does this boy LOOK like he could punch someone hard enough to, quote on quote-" I turned to Finnegan "BREAK THEIR JAW?"

The teacher looked astonished. I spoke again "exactly, because he didn't. I did." I said it with pride. "And I think, that HE-" I pointed to Finnegan "should be heading to the office, for choking the accused".

"I didn't lay a hand on 'the accused'. Ask the class." It was like Finnegan knew he was going to get away with this. As if he's done it a million times before.

I looked around the room, no one said a thing. Finnegan had it, Percy lost. Someone speak up, please! My mind was racing. Percy rested his hand on my shoulder.

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