Chapter 10: Note b3

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          I stepped into an old bunker of mine that I had created for protecting myself and a few of those who were close if anything bad had happened. I needed to find, who I like to call my son, biologically he's not my son, I just raised him, that was over 2 thousand years ago. He now lives in the cities and interacts with society, whereas I don't, I stay miles away within the treetops and within the heavens, but when push comes to shove, I must do what someone of my power must do, step out of my comfort zone. I looked through old cassettes of mine for information on where he may be, He would help me find the person I'm looking for, he senses things, he knows when things may happen, and knows who is destined for greatness, that's because he's an alpha. Alpha's are quite powerful beings, I myself could be considered an elemental alpha, I control all elements, but I created this world, I am much more than that, I created the living realm and everything in it, but I like to consider myself an alpha anyway. I created alpha's to be leaders, there's vampire alphas, and shapeshifter alphas. Vampire alphas harness the ability to make a vampire out of an average being, to blend in like normal people, to possibly revive the dead and sense what the future may bring, but lacking the ability to easily create an omega offspring. Shapeshifter alphas, having the ability to transform into anything they please, but lacking a long life span.

          I scrambled through old boxes I pulled out the most recent tape, that was from 1952, 16 years ago, (Vitae technology is 30 years ahead of Earth's. 90% of your tech came from my planet.) I placed it in a tape player and pressed the play, this was the most recent conversation I've had with the alpha I raised. At first there was static, then it played.

          "I need help" it was him speaking, his voice was stern, it wasn't deep, but it wasn't raspy. I could picture his eyes in this moment, clouded with worry.

          "What for, what with?" That was me speaking.

          "My newest of my many children."

          "What about them?"

          "One will be like me"

          "Is that good or bad?" there was a bit of static after my voice, the tape must be damaged.

          "BAD, none of my children have turned out to be a-" There was static again "do you not know how society feels about us? Imagine a family-" Static "things aren't going to end well for me, an alpha, when the world gets to it's boiling point. I need to keep these children from knowing-" The tape skipped.

          "You know they'll find out event--" the tape skipped again "you need to." There was more static, "lie," The tape repeated it "lie".

          I remember this part, he looked at me, he always looked so worried, and he spoke so proper, "Maybe my gut instinct is incorrect, maybe I've become paranoid. Maybe one of these children will not be like me, but it's there, the feeling is there, it's unsettling." he tapped his claw-like nails anxiously against the table, "perhaps it may be best if I-' The tape went to static for a few moments.

          "Perhaps you should stop leaving your children, and raise them like a normal father would." There was a long staticky pause before I said something again, "hide your abilities from them, leave if-" The tape skipped again.

"They're accusing us of paranormal activity within' Vitae, eventually they will hunt for the alpha, which I just so happen to be, and I don't want any of my children to get into such a mess, I'd rather die knowing I'm forbidden to see those who are my offspring, and have my omega kept secretly hidden away, than die knowing who's next in line for alpha has been exposed. It's safer for me to-" static hit again, then the tape stopped. It didn't help me any, my dearest boy could be anywhere, he had kids, but at this point in time the little things would be teenagers, they might not even know their father, so it was pointless to try and find them and ask where their father may be.

"Oh, darn!" I stomped my foot on the ground angrily. I couldn't think of where he could be. All I could guess, was that he was no longer in the Region of Storms, and was off living elsewhere. This search was going to become a hunt, I had a gut feeling that my boy is connected with the person I'm looking for. Each day I feel as though I'm becoming weaker as the pillar crumbles. I don't know what good fixing the pillar is going to do for society, but my assumptions is that things will return to normal, but there is doubt in my mind. I have the ability to create, but that's all, even I am unaware as to what will happen in the future, what will happen to my creations.

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