27. teardrops

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A little note for people who are following the proposal. I've deleted the story, so feel free to remove it from your library. Seems like it's wrong to follow a movie plot. All my work for nothing... well anyways, now i can concentrate on my upcoming teenlock and this story.

enjoy x


John's heart was breaking, as he sat alone in the dark room where Sherlock left him. He was breaking into millions of pieces and he could feel himself falling apart with every breath he took. He was still processing what happened a moment ago. The love of his life walked away, thinking that John Watson. The loyal John Watson cheated on him. If Sherlock wasn't stubborn and just listened to John, it would be fine. Everything would be fine. John would be explaining the situation, even there was almost nothing to explain. And they would continue what they started. Being the perfect pair of London. But no. Sherlock refused to listen to John. Sherlock never dealt with a situation like this before. So he was a bit overreacting, but for someone who always was lonely without anyone who cared for him in his life. It's normal to react like this.

An hour had past and John was still sitting on the bed, waiting for Sherlock to come inside. But he didn't. John sighed and stepped out of the bed, ruffling his hair. He waddled to the living room, stopping at the door that leaded to the stairs as he saw a familiar fabric laying on the wooden floor. John took it in his hand and a tear slowly slipped down from his eyes and crept its way down his cheek. He held Sherlock's scarf tightly against his chest, squeezing his eyes shut before he wrapped Sherlock's dark blue scarf around his neck.

John swivelled around, scanning the living room, hoping Mr. Holmes was sitting in his armchair with two cuppas in his hands, smiling fondly at his student. But he wasn't present inside. John looked over at the armchair where he sat with his laptop on his lap hours ago. And where they almost started something new. Something John desired and waited for.

John lingered into the kitchen and prepared himself a tea. He poured the boiled water into the mug, spilling most of the water on his fingers, what he didn't feel. He didn't feel the burning pain on his fingers. The only pain he felt was his heart aching. The pain was tremendous. John sunk down in his armchair, looking blankly ahead, drifting away in his thoughts.

An hour later, John was still sitting motionless in his chair. He didn't even took a sip of his tea. He suddenly shook his head and looked outside. The sun was gone, dark clouds hovering over London and stars were hanging at the night sky. John furrowed his brows and perked his head to the left side, looking at the empty flat. Sherlock should be back by now. John grabbed his phone and started writing a text to Sherlock.

I know you don't want to hear me right now. But can you please let me know if you are safe. I'm worried... –JW

Please come home. –JW

John couldn't help but start crying again. The thoughts that he was crying for someone he only met two weeks ago made it worse. Sherlock was different.

Love at first sight

John never believed in this bullshit, until he met Sherlock. It was definitely love at first sight. John already loved the way Sherlock insulted him the first hour in class. The way Sherlock cared for him, the way he looked at him with his beautiful bright eyes. John was even secretly staring at Sherlock's butt like the other classmates. Suddenly he heard footsteps on the stairs and he jumped upright in his seat and wiped the tears away.

"Sherl..." He whispered, looking at the door with a tiny heart. His eyes widened when the doorknob turned and then he felt like he wanted to scream for whole Britain. He sighed, covering his head with his hands as Mrs. Hudson peeked inside.

"Good eveni-" She trailed off as she saw John sitting in his armchair, his face buried in his hands. Her always cheerful smile dropped immediately. She closed the door behind her and walked over to John, kneeling in front of him.

"John, dear what's going on?" She asked anxiously. John and Mrs. Hudson didn't really had the time to get to know each other. But John knew she was a woman with a caring heart. He removed his hands from his face and she gasped at the sight of John's face. "John..." She sighed, laying her hand on his knee, trying to comfort him.

"I want to see him." John voice was trembling and breaking.

"See who?" She asked, frowning, squeezing his knee in confusion.

"Sherlock." He sniffed.

"What do you mean? Where is he?" Mrs. Hudson asked with worry. She couldn't bear to see john like this.

"God knows where he is." John said as he rubbed his tired eyes and a loud desperate sigh leaved his mouth.

"What happened?" She questioned gingerly.

"To be honest. I have no fucking idea. Some patient from the surgery acted very weird last night on his appointment. The man was inside for only a minute, joking around with me. Then he strangely left and that's it. Today he sent me and Sherlock a text, something about that he had fun with me last night. Referring that we had sex." He paused, stuttering. "Now Sherlock is accusing me for something I didn't do. He left broking, crying, thinking I-" He started, unable to finish his sentence.

"Oh dear." She covered her mouth and then wrapped her arms around John in reassuring. "It will be fine, John. We both know Sherlock can be stubborn. You two just need have a word with each other. You two are made for each other. I'm sure Sherlock knows that." She pecked his forehead. John just nodded stiffly. "If you aren't home, and he walks in. I'll call you okay?"

"Okay." He muttered sadly.

"Try to get some rest." She insisted, wiping a tear away from John's cheek.

"Yeah, I'll try." He said pithless.

"Good." She said and stood up. They both exchanged a tiny smile and she then walked to the door, opening it. Just when she wanted to leave, John spoke up, making her turn around.

"Ms. Hudson." He paused, swallowing. "Thank you." He said quietly. She nodded with a fond smile and left.

It took John 3 hours to finally fall asleep. Without a goodnight kiss, without an annoying Sherlock teasing him with his chubby cheeks. Without Sherlock offering his chest as a pillow. Without Sherlock. John truly hoped that he won't repeat the scenes from before in his dreams. And luckily for John he didn't have a nightmare.

He woke up, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He stepped out his bed slowly, pulling his night gown tightly around him. He rubbed the back of his head as he walked inside the kitchen. Like usual, preparing a tea. John must had been confused because he put two sugars inside his cup. He drank it anyways. John didn't know what to do anymore, he decided to just wait on Sherlock. He needed to walk inside sometime, he lives here... And it's Friday, what meant another day for John to go to school. What meant, seeing Sherlock. There was a tiny smile lingering at John's lips as he was thinking about seeing Sherlock again tonight. Or earlier if he decided to walk in 221B Bakerstreet. After brushing his teeth, he received a text. He practically ran to his phone, opening the text immediately. But it wasn't from Sherlock. It was from Mycroft.

Sherlock is safe and well.

- M. Holmes

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