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I am still awake I can here some of them snoring like pigs . It is deathly cold out here . I don't know if I can stand this much longer . Even though I just got here . I wonder if any of them know my secret . That I am not a lad but a lass . I came to protect my friend James . But that's not the only reason . My mother died giving birth to me and my father abandon me because he couldn't bare to look at the thing that killed his wife . So I wouldn't be missed if I die .
I could not stand back and watch the boys who think they are playing a game with death . But the main thing is my country is in peril . She is up to her neck in it .
It is cramped here like pigs festering in there own filth . It is so cold my clothes are as thin as paper agents this cold .

Since I can't sleep I might as well go and keep watch . I stand up in to the squelching mud it looks as bad as it smells . Trying not to wake James . A rat prances over my feet with boots that are 3 sizes to big for my small feet James tosses and then turns to face me .

He told me not to come here but in the end he new how stubborn I am . We have known each other since the first day of school we attended together . He was the only Friend I have ever known .

He looks up at me with fear in his eyes . "I am frightened Mary ". "I know ".
Is all I can say there is no way I can comfort him . I don't know what will be fall us tomorrow or the day that fallows . Holy Gods if there is such a thing you don't even know if we will even see next week . That thought is all ways there in the back of my mind . But I knew what I was getting into We all did .

I look up at the pitch black sky the moon remains . Even in this time of darkness at lest somethings never change . Boom ! A flare as Red as blood that has already spilt Goes up in to the Sky. James is up and on his feet now In front of me to protect me . He is his old self again The fear all gone like it was never there . " I will protect you Mary ."

Then i here our Sargent . He bellows out the very thing that I have had nightmares of hearing . Gas ! Gas! Lads we are under attack . I grab my mask my hand slick with sweat . My fingers fumbling over it to put it on the right way . James already has his mask on . He grabs my gun and puts in a magazine . He turns to me with a smile on his face . " locked and loaded Mary ." He hands it to me it feels heavy like my heart I hope there is some hope in this god forsaken place James grabs his own gun. we run .

We shoot trough the trees where the birds have stopped singing long ago . It has now been replaced with screams of terror and death all around us . Gun shots not far from here . Fritz , Fritz ! I hear some one shout . "They are coming !" I am terrified . That's when I turn around because i hear some ones last cry . That's when I see it the yellow talons reaching for us ,searching for us it can smell our fear . It needs our flesh to survive I hope my mask can with Stand this monstrosity .

James grabs my hand and gives it two pumps . This has always been our hand shake . To tell the other not to be afraid It will be alright . I snap out of it we keep running Because that is all we can do . I see another blood flare goes up . When I turn my head to see it a bit better . I see a deadly shadow with there gun trained on us . Before I know what I am doing my gun is up and I pull the trigger . Blood soaks my face his blood .

What have I done ! I killed some one with out a second thought I am a monster . " Mary there was nothing you could have done ." It was him or us !" I can hear James shouting as if in the distance . I have killed someone ! The thought playing through my head .
Suddenly I snap out of it because James is kissing me . He brakes away he smiles and pumps my hand . " every thing will be all right I promise ." We start to sprint we have to survive but that moment keeps playing over and over in my mind like a stuck recored. Never going forwarded or back . I can see the recovery trench through the trees .

Bang ! I taste the sludge of the dirt in my mouth . Pain shots up my leg it takes everything for me not to cry out in pain To not draw attention to us . I sit up and look down on a crimson flower that now blooms there . I whimper . I look up at James . Mary he shouts He shots my a salient in blind range . Once he is down James lifts me up carefully . He runs towards the recovery tent . " hold on Mary " I am not letting you die . Because , because i love you Mary . Marry me Mary come live with please live with me . Stay with me ! Please ! I blank out .

I wake up to a blinding light . Dotes are swimming in front of my eyes . My head spinning . My vision clears . James I say I look down at my hand someone's hand in mine I fallow the arm . To the head the shiny golden crown of hair James !

Mary your awake! I thought I lost you ! James gives me a crushing hug . When he lets go I look at his face his eyes are blood shot . He hasn't slept in days .
He gos down on one nee beside my bed Mary gray will you marry me ?

Yes ! I will Mary you James .

How long was I out for James ? A few days I have sent a letter to my parents they said it would be ok if you went and stayed with them until I return and the we will set the date for our wedding. Our Sargent told me as soon as you wake up you where to be sent home so unfortunately it's time for you to go Mary .

James hands me a stick to support myself ten he offers me his arm .I truly believe that every thing can go back to normal again.
When I step out side of the recovery tent the birds are singing and the sun warms my back .
Until a horse and cart drive past the dead flung onto the back like trash . Never to be reunited with their loved ones to never know the warmth of friendship. Or the sun on there backs
To never here the birds sing again .They have looked death in the eye and have not come out on top .

I will never forget get them .there screams will forever haunt me . But I will never forget get the life I took . Well Jessy pope we have played the game of war and lost for the time being." Come on Mary it's time to go ."

Mary returned home as did James a while later they were married in that same year it was a joyess occasion. But the couple often awoke to horiffic nightmares. But they all ways had each other.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy it It I wrote this for my English class . Just in case you didn't know Jessy pope was a poet who wrote war propaganda. About boys who went to war and thought they where playing a game .😄😄

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