Dont leave

370 16 7

(Sans P.O.V)
I rushed around the core, frantically looking left and right. Mettaton had gone missing a few days ago, and I had to check here. I hate it.

I stepped through the archway, a large room infront of me. In the centre lay a lifeless, robotic figure. Blood leaked from crevices in it's chest.

A wave of horror washed upon my body. I was sent to bring Mettaton back alive, but I can't. I froze, tears welding up in my eyes.  I glanced at him again, I sighed in relief, the slow rise and fall of his chest now apparent.

I stepped over to him and pulled him closer to me. "Mettaton.." I murmured, having the faintest hope he would hear me. "Mettaton?" I carefully shook his arm, his eyes slowly and wearily opened. He opened his mouth to speak, but blood bubbled out with every breath.

"Sans.." I could barely hear his voice, it was weak and quiet. "You're here.." He wearily rested his hand on my shoulder.

"What happened to you?" I asked shakily.I had to know.. I can't let this happen..

"The human.." He rasped out, his voice barely audible. "They.." His voice was cut off as he began to cough, his blood once again pouring out. His grip tightened on my shoulders, he pulled himself closer to my chest.

"Mettaton.. Please don't go.." Tears forming in my eyes and flowing down my face. "Please stay with me.."

He looked up at me again, blood seeming to drip from his eyes. "Sans..." He managed to speak.

I hugged him tight to my chest, he buried his head into my shoulder.

"Mettaton.. I don't want to be alone anymore.. Please stay with me." I whispered to him. "I.. I love you, Mettaton.. Please don't go.." I held him tightly against myself.

His breathing became shallow, all I could do was hope he heard. He looked at me, pain shattering his eyes.

He stopped moving. His breathing had stopped. His eyes went blank. The soul in his chest slowly cracked, then shattered into pieces.

His body slowly faded away, I could feel him slipping away from everything.. I put him down, gazing at his face one last time. His body swiftly disintegrated into ashes.

"Mettaton.. Goodbye.."

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