Antonio Morros

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As I pulled up into the parking lot at Schooler and Grant I noticed a man standing near the door. He was looking at the door as if willing it to open. My guess is he was one of Robert's clients.

Robert had a bad habit of agreeing to meet clients early knowing he didn't get in until after court hours. Clients would often sit in the office a few hours waiting on him. It was the Schooler way some would say. His father was the same. Their differences being that one was only a few years out from law school and already had a big head. His father's legacy in our town made him a well sought after defense attorney.

Don't get me wrong our town wasn't as bad as some were but there was no shortage of crimes.

The man turned my way allowing me to get a good look at him. He was tall, maybe close to six feet and his dark hair sat in short waves upon his gorgeous head.

Wait did I say that? I knew better than to even think about the men who came into here. Most were criminals few were seeking corporate lawyers or estate planning.

Getting out of the car I pushed the button on my key fob setting the alarm on my Murano. It was my present to myself when I landed this job a few years ago.

"Excuse me, Miss," the man began walking towards me. He wore a dark gray suit with a dark purple shirt underneath. I'd guess Armani.

"Mr. Schooler doesn't get in until about eleven, maybe even noon," I told him as I briskly walked towards the door. It was best to drop the bad news and move on. This guy was earlier than most by at least a few hours. I doubted he wanted to wait four hours.

"I'm not looking for Mr. Schooler," he smiled.

"Then perhaps Mr. Grant,"

"Lady you need to have a little more faith in yourself. I'm here looking for you. I saw your ad on TV." He said.

I'd forgotten all about the ad we did. The guys thought it would let people know we handle corporate cases. I smiled, but in the back of my mind I was happy he wasn't some criminal seeking legal counsel. I never mixed business with pleasure but my conscience was clear on the criminal ogling at least. Well not to say Business owners weren't criminals.

He followed me inside. I stopped at the front desk and scribbling a note for the receptionist to hold any calls until I called down. She generally got here after me and today was no different.

"Please follow me Mr..?" I put my hand out realizing I hadn't even introduced myself. "Please forgive my rudeness,"

"No need Miss. Warner. I was here rather early. My name is Antonio Morros'" his hands were cold as ice as he shook mine.

"Cold hands warm heart," I said.

He only smiled. Not those fake smiles most people give but a real smile that reached his dark eyes.

I didn't know what to say, so I headed towards my office.

Our building wasn't huge but it was homely enough. We housed three lawyers and two paralegals. I didn't have my own paralegal because my case load didn't demand it yet. For now, I used one of theirs when I needed one. We all shared one receptionist. The paralegals shared an office. I had my own office at least.

"Can I get you some coffee?" I offered realizing I hadn't made any yet. I wasn't a fan of office coffee. Usually, Jenny, Mr. Grant's paralegal brought me some from a cafe close by her when she came in.

"No." He replied.

"Very well, how can I help you?"

"I must ask that you remain, how do I say this," his eyes looked thoughtful as he looked at me, "I need you to have an open mind and not freak out."

I wasn't sure how to take that as, a wave of panic or perhaps fear washed over me, but it was gone as quickly as it came. I stared at the man before me, his eyes boring into mine, soothing me.

"Of course Mr. Morros," I finally replied.

"Please call me Antonio, love." he insisted.

"In exactly one month my kind will give a press conference. I wish you to represent us." He added.

"Your kind?" The only thing that came to mind was the LGBT community. All the good ones were gay, my friend Madge always said. I was a proud supporter seeing as how my cousin was gay but I had no experience in this. I didn't understand why a press conference or need for a lawyer. Unless it was on the issue of transgender bathroom use.

" I must admit Antonio I'm out of my element here so to speak. I mean I'm a supporter but I have no experience with the state laws and what has been passed or not. I can try to locate someone in the LGBT community to recommend."

He leaned over further studying me and I willed my brain to remember he was just not that into me. His eyes fixated on me in a playful manner my grandmother would call bedroom eyes.

"Miss Warner," he began.

"Please call me Cassie. It's only right with you asking me to use your first name," I stuttered.

"Cassie I'm not gay. I'm a vampire."

I laughed. I laughed so hard I was crying. Then I composed myself. I was no psychologist but I knew that was unfair. This man likely had mental issues and I shouldn't have laughed.

"I asked you to keep an open mind did I not?" he tried to sound hurt but the curl of his lips showed his amusement with me. Was he laughing at me? He's the one who thinks he's a vampire.

"I'm sorry your right. Please continue," I motioned my hand at him.

"We plan to reveal ourselves to the world. We wish to protect our rights as citizens and our business and corporations. That is where you would come in." He pulled out some papers from the inside of his suit jacket and handed them to me.

The name Auxillio was on the front. Auxillio was one of the largest corporations in our area. They dealt in imports and exports of various products. What products I wasn't familiar with.

Scanning through the papers I found out he was the CEO. Great, I thought to myself the CEO is a mental case. A few of my friends droned on and on about how he was the most eligible bachelor. On the surface, I'd say yes but they don't know the half of it. I was surprised I didn't make the connection when he told me his name.

"Look I'm trying to keep an open mind but vampire?" I closed the folder and pushed it back towards him.

Sure this would land me the exposure I needed but I'd look like a fool and so would the firm for taking this case.

"Very well, but don't say I didn't warn you, love," he winked and leaned in closer making my heart skip a beat. He smiled and as he did two pointy teeth protruded right before my eyes.

"Implants," I whispered catching my breath.

I'd read many of vampire books but this was real life, and this wasn't happening.

He stood and his body slowly lifted off the ground almost knocking the wind out of me as I held my breathe. He was freaking levitating right there in my office. I recovered quickly and glanced down at the floor looking for a magic trick but knew I'd find none.

Hold the freaking press vampires really do exist.

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