Chapter 5

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I woke up and took Chloe and I a shower.

"Kiara you wanna head to the mall?" Kenya asked.

"Yeah, lemme get ready." Since I only had about 2,500 dollars, I was just going to buy a few clothes for Chloe and I.

After we finish getting ready me and Kenya walked into the car and starting driving to the mall. We went into a few stores, and I bought myself 2 extra jeans, new Jordans and a few crop tops. I also bought Chloe a few dresses and some shoes.

"Let's go the food court, because im starving ode." Kenya said.

We walked to the court and I ordered some chicken tenders and fries and she ordered some burger and milkshakes. I also got some food to go for Chloe.

"Girl, I know you like my brother," Kenya said smirking while eating her burger.

"Stop playing, he cute and all but I don't like your brother."

"I see the way y'all look at eachother, just admit it."

"Girl you is something else. Your brother is just a friend."

"Yeah mhm, anyways I needa head to the bathroom."

"Okay girl bye." I said eating a fry.

I looked up and seen a man looking at me. I turned away and looked back at him and noticing him still staring at me. Finally, Kenya came back.

"Girl, let's go. I gotta bad feeling about some." I said.

"Aight girl, let's get to the parking lot. So we can go home."

As we starting walking to the parking lot, I seen the man walking towards us.

"Hello, I am a manager of a company, and I was wondering if you guys would like to come join me for a photo shoot."

"Uh, no thanks? We are heading home anyways."

"No please we will pay you. This will be very good."

"Didn't she just said no? Like get the fucking stepping. Before I step on YOU!" Kenya yelled at him. The man suddenly punched Kenya down to the ground and grabbed me and put something over my face and stuffed me inside of his car and drove off.


Everything went so fast, I held onto my jaw and took out my phone and dialed Tre.


"Hello? Tre! Come fast! I'm at the Lenox Square Mall. A man just fucking punched me and took Kiara." I screamed into the phone, crying and my heart was pounding fast.

"What you mean someone took Kiara, who? Are you okay?" Tre said

"I don't know! He j-just asked for l-like some photo shoot. I don't know! Just come please." I said sobbing.

"Aight calm down Kenya imma be there in 5 minutes.

After 10 minutes, Tre came in with X storming in.

"What happened Kenya?" Tre said.

"I don't even know some creepy ass guy came in and said something about a photo shoot and then I told him no and he punched me and grabbed Kenya."

"Damn man, okay X take Kenya home, imma head out to the trap to find out some shit."

"Aight man, stay safe." X said and walked Kenya to his car.


I drove down to the trap. I don't know why but I felt like I had to find Kiara. I was starting to really fall for her. I walked into the trap house.

"Ayo boss, someone wanna talk to you in yo office." One of my workers said.

"Nah, I'm buys right now."

"I think this is serious, you should check it out."

I sighed, "Aight man gimme a minute. Imma head in there now."

As I walked into the office, I seen the man who owed me the 25k. His name was Michael.

"Ayo Michael, you got what I asked for?"

"Yeah man, I got her. Thanks for not killing me. She would do whatever you like, even anything sexual."

"Nah, she just gonna work here till everything get paid off. Bring her in."

He got up and walked out the door and brought a female in with a bag over her face. Once he took it off, my eyes landed on Kiara and my eyes widen as I saw the black eye on her face which showed me she was putting up a fight.

"Bro what the fuck, this is your daughter?" I yelled, and she just kept her head down silently crying.

"Yeah man, why you know her?" He said nervously.

"So you the nigga that punched my sister?" I asked ignoring his question.

"No, no. I got somebody to get her for me. Is there a problem?"

"Yeah nigga this my girl fuck you doing. Get the hell out of here, and never come back around here." I said and he took off running out. I walked over to Kiara.

"Yo, you good ma?"

"So, this is what you do? You take peoples kids to work for you?" She said. "I have a fucking little sister to look out for! Just cause you can get money by selling drugs, don't put innocent fucking people in your mix!"

"Nah I was just giving him the benefit of the doubt and letting you work till it pays off."

"Nah fuck that, you nasty! You working in these streets tryna take advantage of girls." She said crying.

"It ain't even like that ma." I said picking up her to chin to look up at me.

"I don't even wanna look at y-"

"Fuck it."

I pulled her closer to me, and leaned in and started to kiss her passionately. That shut her up real quick.

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