Chapter 7

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In the morning me and Chloe woke up and I took her a shower and myself afterwards. We ate breakfast and started watching t.v.

"Kiara girl, there's a party happening tonight. We out!" Kenya said.

"I don't even like parties, where is it anyways?"

"It's like a few blocks away from here. C'mon everybody gon' be there! Plus I need some dick."

I started laughing. "Fine girl, but I don't even have any dresses or anything to wear."

"Girl, I  got a black dress you can wear, it would look nice on you."

"It's lit, let's go upstairs. Lemme get my makeup and hair ready."

I went up to her room and I curled my hair which landed down down to bra length. I also did a black smokey eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and black lipstick. I put on the dress and it was tight and hugged every part of my body. I also put on some regular black heels.


"Kenya you ready!" I yelled to Kenya.

"Yeah come in, how do I look?" I went up to the room and looked at Kenya, she had her hair bone straight wearing a red tight dress and black heels. "Oh my good Kenya you looked so cute."

"Really?" She said flattening down her dress.

"Yes bitch omg! Let's go and get it popping." I went downstairs to the living room. "Chloe, Imma be back later. Imma get you some candy when im come back okay?"

"Kk, bye Kiki" She said gluing her eyes to the t.v. and not looking at me.

"Okay bye, I love you." I went over to her and hugged her.

Me and Kenya walked over to Kenya's car and we drove a few blocks to the house which was only a few minutes.

"Let's get it on and popping." Kenya yelled.

I got out the car and walked up to the front door with Kenya. We walked straight to the house and it was hot as hell. It reeked alcohol and music was blasting that we could hear it while we were driving there.

"Let's get some drinks." I told Kenya grabbing her hand and walking over to the kitchen. After several drinks, I was blacked out. I was grinding on Kenya and just black out drunk. As a few hours passed by a guy came up to me.

"Wassup ma, how you doing?" He said grabbing my waist bring me closer to him.

"I'm doing fine, how about you?" I said slurring my words.

We chatted for a while and then he said he wanted to show me something. Being drunk as I was, I went to the room with him. He started kissing up on my neck.

"Get off of me. My friends d-d-downstai-i-rs" I said pushing him off me.

"Shut the fuck up." He pushed me on the bed and started roughly sliding off my dress. I started kicking him and yelling him. He then put his hand over my mouth and pulled down his pants and rammed his dick in my vagina.

I screamed but it wasn't loud enough because his hand was over my mouth. I could feel the hot tears threatening to come down, but I wouldn't dare let this man think he had power over me.

"Ugh yes baby, love that young pussy." He said continue to ram his dick in me. 

The tears that I tried to held back streamed down my face. I closed my eyes and tried to think about all the good memories with my mother, but my thoughts kept fading as this took me back to when my father use to rape me.


I was at a party with X and a few of my homies. We just wanted to celebrate for our win for taking over extra turfs around the city.

"Aight man imma head up to the bathroom, imma be right back." I said.

"Ii" X said getting twerked on by a girl.

I headed upstairs and used the bathroom and washed my hands. As I was about to head downstairs, I heard faint screaming from the room. This shit always happens at ghetto parties. But for some reason I felt like I had to go in the room. As I walked into the room, I seen a man raping Kiara. I ran up on the nigga and punched his ass cold to the ground.

"Yo you good?" I said to Kiara walking over to her.

"It hurts!" She yelled and she held onto me tightly.

I picked her up bridal style and walked her to my car, and put her in the backseat so she could lay down. I drove her to the nearest hospital.

I rushed into the doors. "Ayo I need some medical attention." I said.

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know her, I just saw her on the floor in an alleyway." I lied because I knew how the feds were.

They took her in a room and did medical attention to her. As a few hours passed by.

"Tre Harden?" The doctor said, and I stood up quickly.

"She is alive luckily, but she is severely damaged in her private area and she would need a lot of therapy."

"Can I go in and see her?"

"Yeah shes in the upper floor in 453."

I walked up the room and walked inside. I seen Kiara's head looked over at me, and she did a weak smile.

"How you feeling ma? I said tucking the few strands of hair behind her ear.

"Why?" Is all she said.

"Why what?"

"Why did you help me?

"Because I wanted too."

"Do you like me?"

It was silent for a while. "Yeah, yeah I do." I leaned in and kissed her in the mouth passionately like this was the first time. I pulled back and looked down at her.

"Be my girl."

"Of course." She said smiling at me.

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